







hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of Deeber and has the sae iportane as hinese New Year to people with Enlish bakrounds. The elebration is for the birth of Jesus hrist, who is the son of od in hristianity. Now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.


hristas Day-Deeber 2-whih elebrates the birth of Jesus hrist, the founder of the hristian reliion, is the biest and best-loved holiday in the hristian World.

Aordin to the Bible, the holy book of hristians, od deided to allow his only son, Jesus hrist, to be born to a huan other and live on earth so that people ould understand od better and learn to love od and eah other ore. "hristas"- eanin "elebration of hrist "- honors the tie when Jesus was born to a youn Jewish woan ary.

ary was enaed to be arried to Joseph, a arpenter, but before they ae toether, she was found to be with hild. Beause Joseph, her husband, was a rihteous an and did not want to expose her to publi disrae, he had in ind to divore her quietly.

But after he had onsidered this, an anel of the Lord appeared to hi in a drea and said, "Do not be afraid to take ary hoe as your wife, beause what is oneived in her is fro the Holy Spirit. She will ive birth to a son, and you are to ive hi the nae Jesus, beause he will save his people fro their sins."

Althouh the exat date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ao is not known, the alendar on the supposed date divides all tie into B.. (Before hrist )and A.D. ( a Latin phrase, Anno Doini, "in the year of our Lord.") For the first 300 years, Jesus' birthday was elebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 34, hurh leaders hose Deeber 2 as his birthday.


Will hristas Replae the Sprin Festival?

hristas arouses inreasin attention year by year in hina. hristas ards beoe popular with students. People hold hristas parties and exhane hristas irts. A lot or TV and radio proras about hristas are on. eanwhile the Sprin Festival is less appealin (有吸引力的)to younsters. Thus soe people wonder whether hristas will replae the Sprin Festival.

This worry is fairly unneessary. Why ? ne reason lies that hristas only affets hristians,ollee students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. Another reason is that hristas is ostly elebrated in ities. Few people in ountryside show extree interest in this exoti(带有异国情调的) festival. By ontrast,the Sprin Festival is the ost influential traditional festival in every faily.

I think,it is natural that with inreasin exhanes with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been radually introdued into hina. For us hinese we should never nelet or even disard our own traditional festivals. For enturies hinese have observed this traditional holiday to weloe the beinnin of a new year. And we will treasure the Sprin Festival forever.


Rise and shine on hristas ornin! The hildren are always the first ones to wake up, soe even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a bi sile on their fae and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that ot pink underwear. hildren play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The hristas dinner are usually eaten toether by relatives. The tradition of hristas puddin and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually aes and fun before the ood days all oe to an end.


Arrived the hristas festival aain, siilar to usually, loal sholars oe out to oppose the hinese in suession aain reently over" hristas festival", the any people ephasies the hristas festival aain and aain aain western is a reliious sex festival, is a faily day, the person wants to eet toether toether at western this whole faily of.

I have to say; the ediu, publi opinion disuss these to have annually what use? Who like the quilt to observe a festival opulsory?We have another that kind of the festival that take the whole faily eber as the topi return little? Say a onveniently, I not a to oppose the reunited traditional liuxue6 festival of whole faily, but all the year round, ust have so how any days, stay is happy for ourselves a joy? The hristas festival ave us a reason at the riht oent- an and favorite friend's party, an anae to keep the spirit stronly shoppin, an revel to idle away in seekin pleasure all niht.

All thins are sell at a disount, all hotels han full deorate, the street liht is briht, bar in aain and aain sow" hristas Eve" I feel that the hristas festival ave everyone is a festival that without sense of responsibility, we an think the oneself very youn, iitate the buttha and returned to 1 years old ……

If you think that you really an't lead a hristas festival with obsequious to foreiners praise oean, that relaxs the point rather, take it as a relaxed" the shoppin stana"!


Frist : We buy a pine tree first.

And then: We eret it.

Seondly: We han with the neon on the pine tree.

And then: We han with a few sall ornaents produts on the tree.

Aain then: We readjust oneself to a ertain extent with the star in the pine tree top.

At last: We readjust oneself to a ertain extent low with the ift in the pine tree.

Suh has ade a hristas tree riht away , shoolates have also tried!


n the twenty- fourth of Deeber everyone ets exited for it’s the day before hristas whih is alled hristas Eve. The hildren are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa laus will only oe and ive you a present if you be ood.” The youner kids atually believe that Santa will oe down the hiney on the sleih that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he oes, however ost ties parents just eat the. Soe hildren put soks and saks up for the holdin of the presents.


Very lon has not related! Reently fortunately? How studied? Thesuh lon tie not and you relate very are really ebarrassed! Whenare you oin hina? y father ,y other and I all very uh thinkof you! hristas day is drawin near, has not fluttered in the snow andie,

The hristas tree not lon is also hih,

The hristas olored lantern has not shone,

The turkey has not been baked,

The sok has not hun up the window,

The ift has not prepared before,

Wishes your * erry hristas *

Aain oes hina tie reords oes y faily plae uest weto weloe you very uh the arrival.




































