hristas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of Deeber. It is a very happy day for any boys and irls. Before the ter ends in soe shools, the hildren at a nativity or “birth” play, showin how Jesus was born in a stable.
n the twenty-fourth of Deeber, all hildren are very exited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents an et the presents ready. The youner hildren think that Father hristas will oe down the hiney or fireplae, so they han up a sok for hi to put presents in. The reedy ones even han up a pillow-ase or a sak to try to et ore presents. Later that niht, father or other will put presents in the sok, and leave others at the side of the bed.
n hristas ornin, the hildren wake up very early. Soe even turn on the liht at two o'lok, and ost of the are awake by six o'lok, and the youn ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'lok in the afternoon, the hristas dinner is brouht in. The turkey or hiken is quikly eaten. hildren searh in their hristas puddin for new oins whih are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of aes and eatin until the happiest of all hristas holidays oes to an end.
It was hristas Day yesterday. We had a hristas party at shool. any friends of ine ae to the party. After we saiderry hristas, we bean to sin hristas sons, suh as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told soe hristas stories, suh as hristas Father. Then I daned and lauhted with y friends. We all had a ood tie. When the party ae to the end,we said Happy New Year to eah other.
hristas is a hristian holiday held on Deeber 2 whih elebrates the birth of Jesus hrist. Eastern rthodox hurhes, whih use the Julian alendar to deterine feast days, elebrate on January 7 by the reorian alendar. Both dates are erely traditional and neither is thouht to be the atual birthdate of Jesus. hrist‘s birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill ld Testaent propheies onernin the oin of a essiah, or savior.
The word hristas is derived iddle Enlish hristeasse and fro ld Enlish ristes sse.It is a ontration eanin hrist‘s ass. The nae of the holiday is often shortened to Xas beause Roan letter X resebles the reek letter Χ (hi), an abbreviation for hrist .
In Western ountries, hristas has beoe the ost eonoially sinifiant holiday of the year. The popularity of hristas an be traed in part to its status as a winter festival.
any ultures have their ost iportant holiday in winter beause there is less ariultural work to do at this tie. Exaples of winter festivals that are believed by soe to have influened hristas inlude the pre-hristian festivals of Yule and Saturnalia.
In Western ulture, the holiday is harateried by the exhane of ifts aon friends and faily ebers, soe of the ifts bein attributed to Santa laus (also known as Father hristas, Saint Niholas, and Father Frost). However, various loal and reional hristas traditions are still pratied, despite the widespread influene of Aerian, British and Australian hristas otifs disseinated by fil, popular literature, television, and other edia.
hristas Day is very popular around the world, when that day oes, we an see the hristas produts sell everywhere, thouh hristas Day is not oriinatin fro hina, in our ountry, ore and ore people spend that day. A foreiner pointed out that hristas eant to be rateful for the, while for hinese people, it was just a day for elebratin. To e, hristas indeed eans a day to have fun.
When I was sall, I did not have the onept of hristas, beause in y ind, I only knew hinese traditional festivals, I liked Sprin Festival best, I ould et a lot of oney fro parents. When I went to hih shool, all of y friends would talk about hristas Day when the day was near, so I started to know it. Alost every youn people like hristas, but if you ask the what the eanin of the day, less of the an answer.
The eanin of hristas Day is to reind people of Jesus’s birth, it is so iportant for the western people, but for e, I only want to have fun, everyone is elebratin it, so I join the, bein happy, that’s enouh for e.