Today is a festival worth elebratin. hristas is ertainly not without Santa laus and hristas presents. I think hristas is a day for hildren. Today, hildren will "bine". They will travel and play.
I like the hristas hat. It's red. There are ifts every hristas. f ourse, there is invisibility, whih is happiness. If you are happy today, you will be blessed.
Today, I want to reeive a hristas present, of ourse, a baby bear and a Santa laus. I like it very uh. This wish, I realied. o bouht it for e. She saw throuh y heart.
I also want to ive every hild in the welfare hoe a Santa laus, but this an only happen when I row up.
This afternoon, we went to the hinese superarket. There was Santa at the door handin out andy, of ourse. Walkin into the superarket, there was a tall hristas tree with bells and flashin lihts. It also has ARDS, of ourse, a blessin for people.
hristas is a day to elebrate and a tie to heer!!
Everyone knows about hristas! It is a western holiday, whih an be opared with our Sprin Festival. hristas Eve is hristas Eve, the equivalent of hinese New Year's eve. hristas is the day hristians elebrate the birth of hrist.
n hristas Eve, I ade a wish: sine I a super ra niwas ard nuber to ake up for, et a super ra, then ould I self an NN ii ard nuber to, et a beast NN, o to outside? Lookin at the warehouse for 10 eters, 100 sal old beans? "I said to the wall.
Perhaps, y wish was heard by y other, and early toorrow ornin, there was a hristas tree that y other bouht, whih is it -- the hristas tree is in the bakround with the joy and wishes to bless e in obsurity all the tie. It sees to say: aster, you will sueed. I turned on the oputer, found the self, hit 371049, and I didn't expet it to be a suess! The hristas tree looks like a heerful sile!
I love hristas!
hristas Is oin .
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy, hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the new year!