The ipression that hristas is always so ofortable and pleasant. Ipression of Deeber opletely without a harsh northern winter, there is only the warth of sprin. pen priary last bunh of plu blossos, plu blossos open in the festival should be open hristas.
It oes every day, no atter who you are, always in disorder with plenty of ards on the table, filled with blessins of the stateent. Distane is olor rayon paintin, aopanied by thik fallin snow, ave hristas pure and innoent. After shool, the students all workin in the stalls to buy ribbons, buy balloons, braved the snow oose feather deorated lassroos and walked every road setions.The loss of the dinity of the shool past, replaed by as rih hristas.
n hristas niht, y other took e to the street. I saw the streets and the sea of people. The oods in the shops, a superb olletion of beautiful thins beyond ount, and hih quality and inexpensive, people are busy purhasin the oods. At a sall ornaent shop, y other bouht e a hristas hat for e as a hristas ift.
I happily wear hristas hat, ontinue to walk in the street, in a photo in front of y other and I saw ith and innie respetively on both sides of the station in the door, put a different posture, to attrat ustoers. The door also posted a variety of hih-profile Santa avatar, infinite hanes, hildren in different poses and with different expressions, the eyes are often attrated to the front of the sene, standin there all eyes looked for a oent to o with o and dad. I wandered for a lon tie, and when y father and other kept pressin, I was relutant to o hoe.
This is y hristas, and I hope I an et the ift of Santa laus next year.
hristas is oin! I whispered in y drea, and I enjoyed the joy of hristas in y drea.
The house is full of briht, transparent, flower - shaped andles like a rystal. In the ost eye-athin sall hall stood a tree in a reen pearl do "dress", and then set a "sall yarn ade of silk dress" deorated with the stars and the oon nine olor flowers, a riot of olours will hane forever, not snow, feels, not old. It's still war! The thins in the world turned into rystal, and fro tie to tie they ade a pleasant sound.
The people who were worn out by their work were playin with their hildren on the day and flyin in the air. All the toys have ained new life, and all the ood people who have died are bak.
Santa laus ave us a ift with a beautiful reindeer and spilled sweet and deliious sweets on the path. How I wish Santa ould send e a olletion of artiles fro all the people in the world!
hristas is so happy!
In the ornin, as soon as I entered the lassroo, several of y lassates said, "there are soe suar in your desk." I said, "suar? I don't know." I quikly ran to the desk, and opened the desk to see: wow! There are two beautiful andies, one is the blak hoolate, one is the red paper of the beef suar, a look akes y outh water, however, I still endure the patiene, savin for lunh.
Later, lu teaher bak to us to see a letter of Santa laus, the letter said: "two (2) lass of kid, you all reeived the andy, I sent you two of the hildren an have a lean the table suar, the table dirty hildren only et a andy. I wish you a erry hristas!
This hristas is really fun!
Today is hristas day, early in the ornin I heerfully arryin ba, hands still arryin a bi ba of ifts and props to shool, beause the shool this afternoon to hold the annual hristas ativities and fany dress party.
In the ornin, we had no intention of the lass, the students were all exited, unable to resist the exiteent, quietly bean to ive ifts to eah other. r. hu also entertained us with all kinds of asks and lauhed in the lassroo. At noon, the shool speially prepared western food for us. In the afternoon, we split into three and a half hours, and in the first half hour we wathed the wonderful proras for all the teahers and students. 1 to 3 seond half an hour every rade lass on the playround jup ballroo danin, 4 to 6 lass in their lass ativities, is the ost interestin part of luky draw, I take out to 6, and we also raffiti on the blakboard. The last one and a half hours are the rest of the lass danin in the playround. It's fun. Soe of the students dressed up as onsters, soe dressed as onan, soe dressed as spider-an, and others dressed as anels. Anels are y favorite haraters.
After shool, I wathed the students holdin a bunh of presents and leavin shool.