The iddle-Autun Festival is one of the traditional hinese festivals,it is often held in Septeber or tober.Durin the festival,faily ebers et united and have oonakes toether.THere are various kind of oonakes,suh as bean paste,e-yolk or eat.The shape of a oonake is round as it sybolies a bi oon.oreover,in the evenin of the iddle-Autun Festival,people et toether in a vaant plae,eatin deliious oonakes while appreiatin the beautiful oon hanin in the dark sky.To onlude,the idde-Autun Festival is a very nie festival for hinese people.
The Laba Festival is a traditional hinese holiday elebrated on the eihth day of the twelfth onth of the lunar hinese alendar. "La" is the nae iven to the 12th lunar onth and is pronouned as "ba" in hinese, whih translated is "Laba." There are several leends about the oriin of this festivity and we ould not tell whih one is true. But what we know today is that this festival started as a sarifiial offerin to anestors. It was also a tie for the anient hinese to pray to heaven and earth that there would be a bountiful harvest. any people hoped for ood luk as well for the oin year.
Traditionally, the Laba rie porride is the ost iportant eleent of the festival. enerally, the porride ontains eiht inredients whih an inlude lutinous rie, red beans, illet, hinese sorhu, peas, dried lotus seeds and soe other inredients, suh as dried dates, hestnut eat, walnut eat, alond, peanut, et. The porride ust be boiled for any hours and then offered as a sarifie to the anestors. This ust be done before noontie. Also, it is tradition that faily ebers eat the porride toether. Then they leave soe as a sybol of hope for a ood harvest the oin year.
Another usto is the soakin of Laba arli. arli is soaked in vinear for ore than twenty days startin fro Laba festival. Then when the hinese New Year oes, the arli and vinear is used alonside jiaoi on the table.
Sprin Festival is the ost iportant festival in hina. Before the Sprin Festival People lean their houses,put red ouplets on their ates,and set off firerakers to drive away the leendary onster “Nian”.
n the eve of the Sprin Festival, failies et toether and have a bi dinner. Duplins are the ost traditional food.
The Sprin Festival lasts about 1 days lon .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy new year”. People enjoy the Sprin Festival, durin this tie they an have a ood rest.
hildren like the festival very uh, beause they an have deliious food and wear new lothes .They an also et soe oney fro their elders. This oney is iven to hildren for ood luk.
n this day, we have been on holiday, is about to usher in the Sprin Festival, so happy! n this day people will to stik ouplets on the Sprin Festival, drink spied sake, just like the son dynasty poet wan anshi wrote a poe: firerakers in New Year's eve, the sprin breee ifts into toso, find eye pupil, always put the new peah in old harater.
And we aain lon one year old, and it is ore reasonable, to help others, happy New Year to relatives, they all kua I sensible lever irl, how ood ood at that tie.
Firerakers is hildren's favorite, but soeties it is very danerous, and esorted to lon at hoe to play oh! hildren don't alone firerakers oh!
We will also have the faily reunion dinner, wear new lothes, other aunt aunt are busy ookin, we were playin beside, how busy at that tie the sene!
Is suh a lunar New Year, let us full of any happiness!
Lookin forward to! Lookin forward to! Finally arrived the Sprin Festival, people are in a hurry busy shoppin for neessities and individual spiritual fullness, su, strea of people, adults busy shoppin for New Year pitures, buy food, buy Sprin Festival ouplets, and the hildren to buy uns, buy toys, all kinds of aro ets ready, beauty is not losed, people what to buy, I' afraid it is diffiult to filter.
Before the Sprin Festival, every household lihts, lean the lean, soeties hanin lihts, soe han red lanterns, every faily everyone soe to the dish stik with, people buy food, the Sprin Festival have to eat a eal, people put on new lothes, preparin New Year, eet friends and faily, always say words of blessin,
hildren et up early, to o and dad said ood wishes and happy New Year, o and dad will ive hildren "luky oney", the hildren will be happy.