Love is the parents is the world's larest love, is in their inds share of faily support the, let the oe in the heart of the disaster sons and dauhters.
Kitaawa, ay 14, 200, the parents who strule with death ore than 40 hours after the three-year-old irl Son Xin Yi finally resued, resue workers to feed her ilk. Her parents live in the tie, desperate to protet the fraile body of her, until both passin away, also aintained that posture. Parents touhed by the love of od, let the hildren saved, sall Xinyi aitianhilin parents an ofort!
In the United States, the fourth Thursday in Noveber is alled Thanksivin Day.
n that day, Aerians ive thanks for the blessins they have enjoyed durin the year.Thanksivin Day is usually a faily day. People always elebrate with bi dinners and happy reunions. Pupkin pie and Indian puddin are traditional Thanksivin desserts.
Relatives fro other ities, students who have been away at shool, and any other Aerians travel a lon distane to spend the holiday at hoe.
Thanksivin, or Thanksivin Day, is a holiday elebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in Noveber.
It has offiially been an annual tradition sine 163, when, durin the ivil War, President Abraha Linoln prolaied a national day of thanksivin to be elebrated on Thursday, Noveber 26.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksivin is one of the ajor holidays of the year.
Toether with hristas and the New Year, Thanksivin is a part of the broader holiday season.
Thanksivin oriinated fro the United States, whih is the forth Thursday of Noveber, but in anada its the seond onday of tober. It started out as a holiday elebratin the aboriinals, but now it extended to be the elebration of others around you.
n that day, people would have a 2-day break, whih they would eet up with faily and friends and elebrate with joy and ratitude.
The deliious turkey is the ain ourse at every Thanksivin dinner.
The thankful reat universe provides the environent of existene for us and ive us sunliht, air, water and everythin in keepin with we existene of spae, brin stor to let us aept to touhen for us, brin to us ysterious let us look for.
The thankful parents ive us the life, ake us feel the errient of the huan life, feel the enuine feelin of the huan life, feel the oity of the huan life, feel happiness of the huan life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferins of the huan life!
The thankful teaher works with diliene and without fatiue everyday of teah, ive us knowlede ability, put on the win whih flies toward the ideal for us.
The thankful lassate and friend rows up road of, let I no loner standin alone in the itinerary of life; The with ratitude is frustrated and let us beoe in a tie the failure stroner.