







do you know thanksivin day? do you know why huan thank od?

thanksivin falls on the fourth thursday of noveber, a different date every year. the president ust prolai that date as the offiial elebration.

thanksivin is a tie for tradition and sharin. even if they live far away, faily ebers ather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all ive thanks toether for the ood thins that they have.

in this spirit of sharin, ivi roups and haritable oraniations offer a traditional eal to those in need, partiularly the hoeless. on ost tables throuhout the united states,foods eaten at the first thanksivin have beoe traditional.

what should we thank?

the thankful reat universe provides the environent of existene for us and ive us sunliht,air, water and everythin in keepin with we existene of spae, brin stor to let us aept to touhen for us, brin to us ysterious let us look for.

the thankful parents ive us the life, ake us feel the errient of the huan life, feel the enuine feelin of the huan life, feel the oity of the huan life, feel happiness of the huan life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferins of the huan life!

the thankful teaher works with diliene and without fatiue everyday of teah, ive us knowlede ability, put on the win whih flies toward the ideal for us.

the thankful lassate and friend rows up road of, let i no loner standin alone in the itinerary of life; the with ratitude is frustrated and let us beoe in a tie the failurestroner.


Thanksivin Day is the ost truly Aerian of the national Holidays in the United States and is ost losely onneted with the earliest history of the ountry.The pattern of the Thanksivin elebration has never haned throuh the years.The bi faily dinner is planned onths ahead.n the dinner table,people will find apples,oranes,hestnuts,walnuts and rapes.There will be plu puddin,ine pie,other varieties of food and ranberry juie and squash.The best and ost attrative aon the are roast turkey and pupkin pie.


we are supposed to express our ratitude to others on thanksivin day. however, we should feel ratitude every day.

od has two dwellins, one in heaven, and the other in a eek and thankful heart. be rateful to others is a way to show your love. in our daily life, we often reeive help fro our parents, friends, olleaues and straners. perhaps it is a little thin, pik up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. we should be thankful to the for whatever they have done. the ore love you ive, the ore love you reeive.


there is no sunliht, no warth of life; there is no rain, no rain of fenden; no water, there would be no life; no parents, there would be no us. no faily ties and friendship, the world would be a lonely and dark. these are very si-p-le truth, no one would understand, but we often lak an ideoloial and psyholoial thanksivin.

"who ade the heart-inh rass, at a three hunhui", "who knows盘中餐, a journey into", whih is often when we reite the poe, is to talk about thanksivin. the water-en, yonquan phase reported; title hith rass, reported in favor of these idios has been tellin us is to thanksivin.

parents to ive our lives, we should know how to thanksivin and the atual ation to return the; teaher ives us the knowlede, we should know how to thanksivin and to return their aoplishents; otherland ives us the peae and tranquility of a soil, we should know how to ive their thanksivin and naturally iven we hope that we should know how to thanksivin and love to return.

althouh self thank dae, but thanksivin is not only to keep in ind, but also in the line to pay. you would like to thank the people who ust be the expression of that ind, beause it is not only expressed his ratitude, but also a spiritual exhane. in this exhane, we will be a result of suh息息相通the world has beoe very beautiful.

faous sientist qian otherland in order to return to his other's ex-feedin, rejeted the u.s. overnent hired hi and all the honorary title, deided to return to poverty and bakwardneof the otherland, and enaed in siene, the oderniation of hina's national defense buildin outstandin ontributions.

people who know how to thanksivin, there is a odest person hide; people who know how to thanksivin, there is a fear of heart; the people know thanksivin is a deep understandin of life person.

institute of thanksivin, we know how to love; institute of thanksivin, thinkin learned; institute of thanksivin, it is to understand the world and life.


the poet said: sprin flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksivin to the door pushed open a harony, harony open the door to the livin. if you arefully listen to the voies of flowers, are everywhere haronious life oveent.

love, the soul like fire inited the hope of love, the soul likepropped up the sky. love is a fore, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of youn sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksivin. thanksivin with a heart to fae life, in the fae of learnin, in the fae of setbaks, thereby experiene parents, teahers, lassates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yonquan of" the real eanin.

thanksivin is a traditional virtue of the hinese nation, build a soialist haronious soiety needs. uandon lawyer tian, in order to return the other’s kindness in tellin your other dyin when she donated his kidney to restore the other’s life; xu yu return to the ounity of his kindness, deided to leave after raduatin fro university in the bustlin ity , broke intothe thathed shed to seekin knowlede, a thirst for knowlede sent the hildren ...

appreiate your birth, beause they allow you aess to life; rateful for your dependents, beause they allow you to ontinue to row; rateful for the onern you, beause they ive you warth; rateful to enourae you to the people, beause they ive you strenth; rateful for your eduation, beause they kaihua your inorane; rateful to har your people beause they teper your intellet; rateful for your trip, beause it strenthens your les; rateful for your ontept, beause it awakenin your self-estee; rateful abandoned your people, beause he tauht you that independene; everythin rateful, institute of ratitude, ratitude to all the people you row up!






























