







Halloween eans Hallows' Evenin. It is the evenin before All Hallows' Day (now alled All Saints'Day) , a hristian holiday, elebrated on the Noveber 1st.

History traes Halloween bak to the anient reliion of the eltis. The elts were the anestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Sottish people. In the th entury B, in elti Ireland, suer offiially ended on tober 31st. n the Noveber 1st, elti peoples elebrated the festival of Sahain,whih arked the beinnin of winter and the elti New Year. elts thouht the division between the natural world and the supernatural world beae very thin and all tie and spae was abruptly suspended on tober 31st, and then the spirits of the died would oe bak and ove freely lookin for livin bodies to possess.


ne of the oldest Halloween traditions oes fro the anient elts, who lived in western and entral Europe lon ao. The elts elebrated a holiday alled Sahain on tober 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The elts ade offerins of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beinnin about 2,000 years ao, the Roan Epire onquered any elti peoples. But elti traditions, inludin Sahain, reained stron in areas suh as Ireland and Sotland, even after the Roan onquest.

The Roan atholi hurh tried to replae Sahain in 3 with All Saints' Day, a day to honor saints of the hurh. The eve of All Saints' Day is tober 31. It is alled Allhallows or Hallowas by the hurh.


Halloween is for the "All Hallow's Evenin". However, due to various reasons, Halloween has beoe the year's ost popular and one of the ost popular festivals, and any players with reat enthusias to elebrate this holiday.

Halloween in the tober 31, in fat, praise and autun festivals like Beltane is the festival of sprin like the praise. f anient aul, Britain and Ireland priest - druid to have a rand festival praise of autun, fro tober 31 beinnin at idniht the followin day, Noveber 1 ontinued all day. In their view, that niht they are a reat Death - Salan to that year were all suoned the host of dead people, these evil spirits are subjet to are for the Livestok Health and punishent. f ourse, as lon as the thouht of suh a atherin of hosts, it was enouh to ake fools of those siple-inded understandin of the heart bile war. So they lit the sky of the bonfire, and lose surveillane of these evil spirits.

Halloween withes and hosts everywhere to say is just the beinnin. So far in Europe, there are soe isolated areas where people believe it is true. Anient Roe in Noveber 1 there is also a holiday, whih is used to pay tribute to their oddess of Bo ona. They bear ribs roasted nuts and apples before the bonfire. ur own Halloween sees to be a holiday by the Roans and the druid's holiday blend ade of. Halloween ativities in the oriinal is very siple, and ostly in the hurh arried out. However, in the whole of Europe, it is rearded as a Halloween enjoy slapstik, Jianuiushi and a ood opportunity to sare eah other. So people will no loner be used to praise this Autun Festival, but it beoes supernatural, withes and hosts festival.


the oriin of halloween

while there are any versions of the oriins and old ustos of halloween, soe reain onsistent by all aounts. different ultures view holloween soewhat differently but traditional halloween praties reain the sae.

halloween ulture an be traed bak to the druids, a elti ulture in ireland, britain and northern europe. roots lay in the feast of sahain, whih was annually on otober 31st to honor the dead.

sahain sinifies "suers end" or noveber. sahain was a harvest festival with hue sared bonfires, arkin the end of the elti year and beinnin of a new one. any of the praties involved in this elebration were fed on superstition.

the elts believed the souls of the dead roaed the streets and villaes at niht. sine not all spirits were thouht to be friendly, ifts and treats were left out to paify the evil and ensure next years rops would be plentiful. this usto evolved into trik-or-treatin.


andles are usually plaed inside, ivin the fae a spooky low.

Halloween is a holiday elebrated on tober 31. By tradition, Halloween beins after sunset. Lon ao, people believed that withes athered toether and hosts roaed the world on Halloween. Today, ost people no loner believe in hosts and withes. But these supernatural beins are still a part of Halloween.

The olors blak and orane are also a part of Halloween. Blak is a sybol for niht and orane is the olor of pupkins. A jak-o'-lantern is a hollowed-out pupkin with a fae arved on one side. andles are usually plaed inside, ivin the fae a spooky low.


Halloween is for the "All Hallow's Evenin". However, due to various reasons, Halloween has beoe the year's ost popular and one of the ost popular festivals, and any players with reat enthusias to elebrate this holiday.

Halloween in the tober 31, in fat, praise and autun festivals like Beltane is the festival of sprin like the praise. f anient aul, Britain and Ireland priest - druid to have a rand festival praise of autun, fro tober 31 beinnin at idniht the followin day, Noveber 1 ontinued all day. In their view, that niht they are a reat Death - Salan to that year were all suoned the host of dead people, these evil spirits are subjet to are for the Livestok Health and punishent. f ourse, as lon as the thouht of suh a atherin of hosts, it was enouh to ake fools of those siple-inded understandin of the heart bile war. So they lit the sky of the bonfire, and lose surveillane of these evil spirits.






























