when we think of halloween, we think of "trik or treat", pupkins, jak o' lanterns, vapires and haunted houses.
but do you know the oriin of halloween? why does it fall on 31 otober? what kind of festival is it? why is it so reepy?
halloween dates bak to a elti festival alled sahain. noveber 1 is the new year of the elts, who lived in europe ore than a thousand years ao. this is the day whih arked the end of suer and harvest.
the elts believed that on the niht of otober 31, hosts of the dead would return to earth. the elts elebrated sahain by dressin up in ostues with anial heads and havin bonfires.
any elts settled in britain and ireland, where the festival beae popular. those who oved to aeria took the tradition with the.
nowadays, ost people elebrate halloween but only for fun. they are not worried about hosts.
kids in aeria will dress up as devils or anels and will o fro house to house allin "trik or treat", playin ishievous triks and ettin sweets.
aerians spend ore oney on halloween than hristas! in xx, ore than hk$4 billion was spent on halloween. and hk$1 billion of that was spent on andy alone!!!
kids in britain also dress up at halloween. they visit houses, sin sons or tell a joke to et sweets. any o to halloween parties and play aes like "dukin for apples". you ust pik up an apple in water but you an only use your outh. try it!
one story about jak, an irishan, who was not allowed into heaven beause he was stiny with his oney. so he was sent to hell.
but down there he played triks on the devil (satan), so he was kiked out of hell and ade to walk the earth forever arryin a lantern.
well, irish hildren ade jak's lanterns on otober 31st fro a lare potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides havin holes and lit by little andles inside.
and irish hildren would arry the as they went fro house to house bein for food for the villae halloween festival that honored the druid od uk olla.
the irish nae for these lanterns was "jak with the lantern" or "jak of the lantern," abbreviated as " jak-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jak-o-lantern."
the traditional halloween you an read about in ost books was just hildren's fun niht. halloween elebrations would start in otober in every eleentary shool.
halloween is a western festival. it’s on ot.31th. it’s a happy tie for hildren beause at niht they put on the asks to attend the party.
after the party, they knok at soeone’s door and say: “trik or tread”. it eans if you don’t ive e the andies, i will play trik on you! at last kids an et enouh andies for one year
It is hit by in the hildren eye , is is a festival bein full of the ysterious olor.
The veil of niht oes , olourful puttin on akeup of the hildren field put on just too ipatient to wait is austoed to , puts on the exeedinly strane ask, ention previous "Jak liht " runnin o out to play.
And then "Jak liht " appearane is very lovable , ethod of work is that Spanish ourd is hollowed out, outside enrave be all siles the eye and bi ouths, havin inserted a andle , it is inited in elon, people just an see this harinly naive silin fae in very distant plae.
The portable hild "Jak liht " punishin the ready queen , disuisin self as all sorts of evil-doers roup, runs before the neihbour door of a house , intiidates as the field is shoutin: "Ask a pratial joke to still be to bein entertained " ", iven oney to still bein eaten".
Do you know Halloween? I think with the inreasin of international ouniation, ost people ust be failiar with it. It has beoe one of the ost popular festivals inEurope. It falls on the last day of tober. People will elebrate it fro the idniht of tober, 31 to Noveber first.
At first, it is elebrated to praise autun. So it falls on the late autun. It also has another leend. Sine a lon tie ao, Halloween has been onneted with the hosts. People onsider that the hosts who have no hoe to o will o out for food on the niht of tober, 31. No atter this story is true or not, people will feel afraid only hearin it. So they deide to have elebration on that day. They will liht up lihts to frihten the hosts.
However, after a lon tie, Halloween beoe the day ainly for kids. Every Halloween hildren will put on strane asks and frihtenin ostues. ost hildren will ake theselves beoe the onster or hero in the ovie or leend that they like. When they finish the ake up, they will arry bas fro house to house to play the ae, “Trik or treat”. The adults will put the treat andy into their bas. Thus, Halloween is the ost favorable festival for hildren.
Not only the kids like the festival, but also soe rown-ups love it. They will join parties after akin up. This brins the the satisfation of bein youn. How about you? Do you love it?
Halloween is an observane elebrated on the niht of tober 31,ost notably by hildren dressin in ostues and oin door-to-door olletin andy.It is elebrated in uh of the Western world,thouh ost oon in the United States,ost other Western ountries have ebraed Halloween as a part of Aerian pop ulture in the late 20th entury.
So,althouh soe ults ay have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not row out of evil praties.It rew out of the rituals of elts elebratin a new year,and out of edieval prayer rituals of Europeans.And today,even any hurhes have Halloween parties or pupkin arvin events for the kids.After all,the day itself is only as evil as one ares to ake it.