







Last Qinin Festival,i return hoe to worship y randfather.Qinin Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qinin Festival was alled "Arbor Day". But Today, hinese visit their faily raves to tend to any underbrush that has rown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the faily will set out offerins of food and spirit oney. Unlike the sarifies at a faily's hoe altar, the offerins at the tob usually onsist of dry, bland food. ne theory is that sine any nuber of hosts roe around a rave area, the less appealin food will be onsued by the anestors, and not be plundered by straners.

With the passin of tie, this elebration of life beae a day to the honor past anestors. Followin folk reliion, the hinese believed that the spirits of deeased anestors looked after the faily. Sarifies of food and spirit oney ould keep the happy, and the faily would prosper throuh ood harvests and ore hildren.


Today is the hin in Festival. The anients said: Qinin season rain have. This is heavy overast weather, we have a o Ta-Qin hihu.

n the way we are oin to see that a stron rass and indoitable perseverane, with its staed to reet the sprin, not to be outdone, it put on the new reen lothes, reen flowers in the ovie, there is red, there is reen, yellow has the ... ... we o for a road, ae to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in old, stood the rape in hih spirits, and for any pearl-like dew-like in the olden slip slide sall rollin on ... ... hee lake, willow willow braid a setion on reen leaves and shoots have deoration, is the first irl ore than any jewelry would also like to look ood.

After hihu eetery, we an not help but o inside. Lookin at the raves of artyrs and wathed a wreath of sall white flowers looked pure, y ind is not flutuatin. I think any, any: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary artyrs reated, but also with their paid for in blood. So, y ind had an idea: the suession of artyrs want behest, studyin strenuously strive to beoe the pillars of the national onstrution.

Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the ountains are paked, everyone's fae is filled with nostali, lookin at this piture, y ind, there has been soe reret. I hope all y elders a lon life and ood health.

The Qinin Festival Ta-Qin to y feelins ore, and one aain I know the nature of the ellow side, y reat harvest ah well!


Qin in is a tie to reeber the dead and the dearly departed. ore iportant, it is a period to honour and to pay respet to one's deeased anestors and faily ebers. Beause it reinfores the ethi of filial piety, Qin in is a ajor hinese festival.

Literally eanin "lear" (Qin) and "briht" (in), this hinese festival falls in early sprin, on the 106th day after the winter solstie. It is a "sprin" festival, and it is an oasion for the whole faily to leave the hoe and to sweep the raves of their forebears. hinese bein pratial people this sweepin of the raves is iven an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qin in day. Aon soe dialet roups a whole onth is alloated.


In ontrast to the sadness of the tob sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Sprin on this day. The Qinin Festival is a tie when the sun shines brihtly, the trees and rass beoe reen and nature is aain lively. Sine anient ties, people have followed the usto of Sprin outins. At this tie tourists are everywhere.

People love to fly kites durin the Qinin Festival. Kite flyin is atually not liited to the Qinin Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not durin the day, but also at niht. A strin of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shinin stars, and therefore, are alled "od's lanterns."

The Qinin Festival is also a tie to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplins is hih and trees row fast later. In the past, the Qinin Festival was alled "Arbor Day". But sine 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as arh 12 aordin to the reorian alendar.


Today is the hin in Festival. The anients said: Qinin season rain have. This is heavy overast weather, we have a o Ta-Qin hihu.

n the way we are oin to see that a stron rass and indoitable perseverane, with its staed to reet the sprin, not to be outdone, it put on the new reen lothes, reen flowers in the ovie, there is red, there is reen, yellow has the ... ... we o for a road, ae to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in old, stood the rape in hih spirits, and for any pearl-like dew-like in the olden slip slide sall rollin on ... ... hee lake, willow willow braid a setion on reen leaves and shoots have deoration, is the first irl ore than any jewelry would also like to look ood.

After hihu eetery, we an not help but o inside. Lookin at the raves of artyrs and wathed a wreath of sall white flowers looked pure, y ind is not flutuatin. I think any, any: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary artyrs reated, but also with their paid for in blood. So, y ind had an idea: the suession of artyrs want behest, studyin strenuously strive to beoe the pillars of the national onstrution.

Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the ountains are paked, everyone's fae is filled with nostali, lookin at this piture, y ind, there has been soe reret. I hope all y elders a lon life and ood health.

The Qinin Festival Ta-Qin to y feelins ore, and one aain I know the nature of the ellow side, y reat harvest ah well!


















清明节 六年级英语作文








清明节 初一英语作文




