







When I ot settled, the total use of the irowave to do their ownthins to eat. ne day, y father saw e, I a afraid to say that I rew up asa ook. I iediately shaken like a rattle-dru head, you said : "That isnot y ideal. When I row up I want to IT (inforation tehnoloy) industries."Yes, I bouht a oputer five years ao after his father, I a failiarwith it day by day. Until last year, and I have fored a deep bond with it.Fro then on, I want suess in the inforation tehnoloy industry to akeontributions to the ause of national oputer. But y father said I ouldonly do in the field "testin the ae," is what the new ae, andalways let e play with, the report there will be any aes. I think what hesaid is not their fault, I always play aes reently, those who do not have aveteran like Flash. In reent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will beplayin the ae that the network server to the blak. y aount will revisethe hihest level. However, I Xianliaoyouxian, this is wron, but was auhtby the polie network is not ood. When hakers but also need hih oputerskills. As a eber of the IT industry is y ideal, I would like to advanethis oal, to iprove their oputer skills.


A drea is to a an what wins are to a bird. With a drea in the deep heart's ore, a an is spontaneously driven to hith his waon to a star. A drea is an inexhaustible soure of enery that keeps our enthusias burnin, and kindles our desire to enhane our spiritual ultivation, refine our harater, and uprade our quality of life. A life without a drea is like a bird with broken wins, onfined to a ae and oblivious of what lies beyond the rane of its vision. n the ontrary, a an with a drea is like a warrior ared with abition, foresiht and allantry, darin to step into an unknown doain to ake a journey of adventure. It is drea that adds fullness, variety, and spie to our life and akes it worth livin.liuxue6.o

I have a drea. It is a drea that is deeply rooted in huan nature. I drea that one day people of all oriins an live in harony and peae without bein disriinated aainst or perseuted. The bounty of the earth an be shared by every sinle huan bein. utual respet will uarantee the existene and ontinuation of the diversity of ustos and ultures. Love, sypathy, and ooperation will alleviate the sufferins and disasters inflited upon our fellow en. Respet for basi huan rihts will put an end to soial injusties and evils. When y drea oes true, all en will be truly equal and happy.


Everyone has their own dreas, I a the sae. But y drea is not a lawyer, not a dotor, not ators, not even an industry. Perhaps y drea bi people will find it ridiulous, but this has been y pursuit! y drea is to want to have a folk life! I want it to beoe a beautiful paintin, it is not only sharp olors, but also the olors are bleak, I do not rule out the paintin is part of the blak, but I will treasure these bleak olors!

Not yet, how about, a olorful paintin, if not bleak, add olor, how an it ore proinent Aerian? Life is like paintin, paintin the briht red olor represents life beautiful happy oents. Paintin a bleak olor represents life diffiult, unpleasant tie. You ay find a flat with a beautiful road is not very ood yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point?

Life is only a short few deades, I want it to o Finally, Eah eory is a solid.


Teaher is a reat job in ost students’ eyes. When they are asked what they want to be in the future, ost will say they want to be a teaher and ake a ontribution to the soiety. Indeed, we have aess to the teahers all the tie and they have reat influene on us. So bein a teaher is a ideal job for ost students, but for e, I want to be a librarian. I like readin books so uh and one I have tie, I will be iersed in these novels. Books broaden y vision, thouh I an’t travel to the plaes, I an still know about these faous sites fro these books. Bein a librarian an ake e have a lot of tie to read.


I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judin fro y aptitude inlination and personality streaks, y ideal life will be that of a sientist, researhin, leturin, and writin books.

As I a fro a farin faily, I partiularly enjoy bein lose to earth. If I an afford to live a pastoral life in the ountryside, I will feel ost blessed. As far as soial life is onerned, sipliity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too any friends. All these will be ere talk if I a idle now. To attain y oal, I ust ake a point of trainin y body and ind.liuxue6.o

This is a hihly opetitive soiety in whih everyone is eaer to oe out on top. That is not only a opetition of physial strenth and ental power, but a arathon of patiene, faith, and perseverane. Life is not all roses, but with what I a bein equipped with by the top teahers in this elite shool, I surely deserve a proisin prospet.










英语弱智 高一作文600字


























