





任何一种爱好都包含着天性中有倾向性的呼声,也许还包含着一种处在原始状态中的天才的闪光。 对于你,你的爱好兴趣是什么?下面,是小编为你顿的我的爱好兴趣高一作文,但愿对你有匡助!


Different people have different hobbies:for exaple soe one likes like swiin and soeone like olletin stap.

I have any I like play basketball. soeties friend invite e play basketball toether in shool basketball felt I like readin beause readin enlish book an iprove y enlish level and iprove y knowlede. soeties I felt often readin book is very bad for you eyes,so I only ornin and niht I like runnin, in hina I often with y other run on the ornin runnin is a helpful is an rapid ark heat,than sweat of body. it an iprove y body teperture. runnin aslo proote etaolis.


y hobby is fishin. I a fond of oin fishin, for it is both interestin and iastrutive-It tepers y willpower. Last Sunday I went fishin with y friend, He Pin. We started at daybreak. After three hours' ylin, we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and ae to a strea. The water is lear and lean. ne an see fish swiin. The eadow sprinkled with butterups slopes to the strea. It is a ood plae for fishin.

In a few inutes everythin was ready. Puttin the bait of earthwors on the hook, droppin the hue into the stru, we sat there fishin with rod in hand. An hour passed. I did not ath a sinle fish. I lifted the fishin rod tie and aain. Tie and aain I was disappointed. There was no fish on the hook. n the other side of the strea, He Pin had auht several fish, one of whih was very bi.

"How oes it that you ath fish asily while it is so diffiult for e?" I asked.

"it's easy. nly you need Io be patient." He Pin answered. "ake sure that you lift the fishin rod when the whole flat has sunk. I' sure a fish will reet you on the hook."

After a while the floats were swinin. I kept y breath and waked. The floats beae still aain. "oe on y hook, dear fish." I was sayin to yself. In a oent the floats swan aain and then sank abruptly, Just at that oent I lifted y fishin rod. To y deliht I auht a fish. rlnnin, I took it off the hook.

This ave e a reat revelation(启示):Staina(毅力) is what we need to ahieve suess. And it is ore iportant to youn people who usually lak it.


I like readin for three reasons. first of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olourful and without tie and spae liit, throuh readin, i an trae bak. to anient eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. it an brin yself to the united states, a laorous land i have been lonin to visit. seondly, readin an better yself by showin e a new horion. in the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. i have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on sithee, politis, life and soiety. thirdly, readin bride the ap between y drea and y oal. in ordr to sueed in y areer in the future, i ust keep readin, thinkin and pratisin.


I have any hobbies, suh as sports, sinin, playin the violin and keepin a diary.

In shool, I often hear the P.E. teaher say, sports do ood to one's health, and will ake one live loner. So, I like sports very uh. I o runnin at five o'lok in the ornin, and after lasses in the afternoon. I play pinpon with y friends. These sports have kept e healthy.

At hoe, I like to sin and play the violin. I hope I will be a siner and a violinist① when I row up. In order to attain these oals②,I o to the teaher's hoe for a lesson every Saturday, and pratise sinin and playin the violin every day. Busy as I a, I a quite happy.

f all y hobbies I like readin books best. In y bedroo there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, aaines, and others. When I row up, I will serve the people with the knowlede I have learned fro the.


y hobbies diffrent people have diffrent hobbies i have a lot of hobbies like readin books.wathin ovies and so on.I like readin books beause I et lots of know lede I find ore interestin thins so I like readin diffrent kinds of books I also like wathin ovies I enjoy y leisure tie so I usually wath ovies in y free tie it's akes e happy.I think wathin ovies and readin books are ost interestin than any hobbies I love life.yhobbies ake life


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