When we asks parents for oney and for other thins, we are so naturally to do it and without thinkin too uh. If our parents refuse, we will be anry. But the fat is that they don’t owe us, instead, we owes the and ost of us don’t know the eanin of ratitude. Don’t take everythin fro our parents as a neessary.
y hoetown is beautiful plae It stands near a wide river at the foot of low reen hills. It has any tall buildins and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.
But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and erhants lived in the few ood houses. For the workin people there were only dark, unhealthy roos in old buildins and huts in narrow uddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and any had no work.
Everythin has haned sine liberation. The people, led by the Party, have ot rid of the ud and dirt. They have put up shools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assebly hall and a hospital. Alon the river they have built offies, hotels and parks. A lot of fatories have sprun up. n the river, streaers and boats oe and o busily, day and niht. They arry the produts of our industries to all parts of the ountry.
I love y hoetown, and I love its people. They also have haned. Healthy and happy, they are oin all out to build soialis.
When y friends ask e to take pitures of the, they will take a lot of pitures and then only keep a few of the. Beause they are not satisfied with ost pitures, they think they are not perfet. Atually, when I look at the pitures, there is nothin serious in y eyes, everyone in the pitures look as they are. People hase for the perfet side, that’s why ore and ore people hoose to have the plasti surery. Take the elebrities for exaple, they look beautiful enouh, but to ake theselves look perfet, ost of the take the plasti surery, whih akes the look unnatural. People have to ost the reat prie for hasin the perfet side, while no one is perfet. If we aept our iperfet side, we will live in the easy way and an enjoy the life.
y ideal job
Different people have different areer outlooks. Soe people want to beoe ivil servants; soe people hope to start their own business; soe people drea of bein freelaners, and so on.
However, y ideal job is teahin. Firstly, I’ told that teahers have a hih inoe. With the hih inoe, I an open a trainin shool to help the hildren in poor failies with their eduation. Seondly, teahers always have suer and winter holidays, thus I will have ore free tie to relax yself. ore iportantly, teahers are anels to students, who an pass on the knowlede to students as well as help the develop their hobbies and interests. I an’t iaine how happy I will feel when I see y students beoe elites.
In order to be a qualified teaher, I should read ore books to aquire ore knowlede, and train y patiene and iprove y ouniation and handwritin abilities.
When People iss Nokia
Every people onsiders Apple as their first hoie when they buy a sart phone. If they have not enouh oney, then they will hoose another brand. Nokia was the leader of ellphone arket, whih seeed to be kiked out any years ao. But as ore aidents happened in sart phone nowadays, people start to iss the old Nokia. It is known to all that the quality of Nokia is stron. it is said that even a ar an’t destroy it. Indeed, I used to own a Nokia phone, it had the best quality of all y phones. It was out of date when the syste needed to uprade and the youn people were in favor of ore funtions. So youn people abandoned Nokia and soe old people kept it. Now Nokia has been the eory in people’s ind, like an old and trustworthy friend.