标题问题:Should a person with an inurable illness spend his last days in a hospital where he or she an reeive the best possible edial are? r should this person be peritted to die at hoe? In a brief essay, respond to the above questions. Be sure to explain whih position you support.
一 前提:患不治之症的患者/在人世间的最后一段时间/到病院接受最好的医疗与护理/答应在家谢世。
二 要求:就上述前提与两种处理方法发表意见,说明你支持何种做法。
三 写作分析:本题是世界范围内常常争论的话题,但至今无定论.写作时可支持任何观点,写法用演绎法或归纳法。
Should a person with an inurable illness spend his last days in a hospital where he or she an reeive the best possible edial are? r should this person be peritted to die at hoe? These two questions are diffiult to answer and ay ause soe heated aruents. y view is that we have to onsider two different situations and ake our deisions aordinly.
The first possible situation is that the patient is still onsious and able to express hiself. In this ase, we should talk to hi and find out his own opinion. If he wishes to stay in a hospital, we should send hi there and try to et the best edial are for hi no atter how uh it will ost. If he wants to stay at hoe, we should show respet for his opinion and do our best at hoe for hi no atter how troublesoe it ay be. The rationale of this view is that the best we an do for a dyin person is to satisfy his last wishes exept when he wants anthanasia in a ountry in whih it is still illeal.
The other possible situation is that the patient is no loner able to express hiself. In this ase, it is better to let hi stay at hoe and spend his last days with his relatives. This view is based on the followin onsiderations. This first is that sine the patient is oin to die anyway, it is better for hi to die at hoe instead of a plae where his relatives are not allowed to stay with hi all the tie. The seond is that it would be a waste of oney, tie, and enery to hospitalie the patient. The third is that what a hospital an do for a dyin person an only brin ore sufferin to hi. For instane, operations or intravenous drips are useless and painful and fist aids applied to hi an only ake hi live loner to suffer ore. The best thin a hospital an do is to redue his pains in his last days, but this an also be done at hoe.
In short, y view is that when the questions are onsidered objetively, the answer is lear: it is better for hi, for his relatives, and for soiety if the patient stays and dies at hoe. However, as huan beins, we annot disuss a patient without eotional onsiderations. To fully understand this position, we an just iaine how we would feel if one of our realties were sufferin fro an inurable illness.
第一段 叙述前提,摆明观点
第二段 病人清醒情况下的做法
第三段 病人无法表达意愿时的做法
第四段 夸大自己观点的公道
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