the piture desribes an interestin phenoenon. when a student is readin his tetbook, what flashes in his ind is a sene of fihtin between two artial arts fihters. last year, the opilin roup of the hinese tetbooks ade a deision that soe parts of a arital arts novel would be seleted as one of the tets. this has sparked off a heated debate. soe say that it is a new idea to do so. the artial arts novels are a new enre of literature and should be inluded in the tetbook. soe others are stronly aainst this deision. they say it will do no ood to students beause they will think about nothin but fihtin and revene when they read this kind of novels.
in y opinion, it is not reasonable to selet suh tets. firstly, the ain thee of these novels is revene. to all the haraters, not for a inute was revene forotten. the purpose of their life is to seek revene. seondly, the haraters do nothin but fiht with eah other. they needn’t ake a livin. their ain job is to find soeone to fiht with. thirdly, there are all kinds of fations in the novels. people are always belonin to a kind of fation. students who have not established their values and outlook of life will be affeted by these ideas. they ay iitate the haraters and do soe bad thins.
therefore, these novels should be reoved fro the tetbook. soe ood aterials should be seleted to instrut the students and help the to for the orret outlook of life. they an benefit fro the seletion for his whole life.