艾滋病3000字英语作文:fight against AIDS
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艾滋病3000字英语作文:fight against AIDS
As I just witnessed durin y reent visit here, hina has ade substantial proress in hekin the spread of HIV but there is still a lon way to o. Fro an infetion unknown only 27 years ao, AIDS has beoe truly lobalied. Today, 33 illion people live with HIV around the lobe, and 2 illion ore have died.
These fiures are soberin. However, it is iportant to note that we have entered a new phase in respondin to AIDS - a phase that will ultiately be far ore hallenin than anythin we have done so far.
Now, for the first tie, the AIDS response is produin real results.
In 2007, fewer people ot newly infeted and the nuber of people dyin of AIDS worldwide dropped, ainly thanks to better aess to antiretroviral treatent.
In hina, over 34,000 people are now takin HIV drus, up fro ,000 in 2003. But, we annot slow down in our viilane. Whereas substantial proress has been ahieved in this ountry, the nuber of people reeivin HIV drus is still less than half the nuber who require the. The epidei ontinues to run ahead of the response: for every two people who start takin antiretroviral drus, another five beoe newly infeted with HIV.
any of those infetions our in situations that are illeal or outside of ainstrea soiety. These ive rise to apparent ontraditions between respet for the law and protetin the health of people who injet drus or are sex workers, between sexuality and orality, between needs of publi seurity and publi health, dru ontrol and safe injetions. Indeed, to onfront AIDS is to onfront ontraditions in soiety.
n loser investiation, however, ost of these ontraditions prove to be false ontraditions. A sientifially-based AIDS response an solve the for the reater wellbein of ore people.
Dru abuse, for exaple, is bad for an individual's health and for the ounity he or she lives in. HIV infetions are partiularly hih aon people who injet drus. Laws aainst drus ust be respeted to protet soiety.
Ultiately, thouh, the best way to protet both the wider population and dru users, and at the sae tie reonile publi seurity and publi health onerns is to adopt the "har redution" approah. Sientifi evidene - inludin here in hina- shows that providin dru users with substitution therapy and lean needles redues HIV transission and supports enforeent of laws aainst dru abuse.
Siilarly, workin with sex workers and their lients to enourae ondo use redues HIV aon these roups and in soiety as a whole. When suh proras are baked up by poverty redution efforts to redue woen's need to enae in prostitution, their ipat is even reater.
It is issues suh as these that ake AIDS suh a oplex proble to deal with. oplex probles require oplex solutions. They also respond best to olletive approahes. Workin with ounity roups, for exaple, an reatly inrease the ipat - and effetiveness - of AIDS strateies. In fat, iven that ost infetions are happenin in situations outside the ainstrea nor, it is often very diffiult for overnent alone to reah those who need to be reahed.
It is enourain, therefore, to note that there has reently been an inrease in the nuber of ounity oraniations workin on AIDS in hina. any of these roups are doin inredible work.
The Joint Assessent Report published last year by the overnent toether with the United Nations Syste learly hihlihts the need for reater involveent of ounity-based oraniation in the roll-out of proras to reah people with relevant servies.
urrently, there are no easy ways for ounity-based oraniations to reister. Without reistration, there an be no bank aount and thus no easy way to reeive fundin. any of the roups I have seen are doin a reat job - but their work is based on volunteeris. This is neither effiient nor sustainable.
hina has solid poliies in plae and has ade sinifiant proress in the fiht aainst AIDS. It is tie now to use the treendous array of resoures at its disposal to build on that proress, and to takle new, touh hallenes like har redution and inreasin ivil soiety involveent,
As hairan ao said ore than 60 years ao: "We ust not beoe oplaent over our suess. We should hek our oplaeny and onstantly ritiie our shortoins, just as we should wash our faes and sweep the floor every day to reove the dirt and keep the lean."
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