n arh th, 197, the United Nation started to elebrate the International Woen’s Day. In hina, the woen’s day also alled “arh th”day. Why we elebrate woen’s day? There is a lon story.
n arh th, 1909, the Woen’s Union of hiao deonstrated aainst the inequality between en and woen. They deanded that they should have the sae payents, the sae workin hours as en had, and they should have the rihts to vote. They even put forward a sloan: Bread and Rose, whih stood for equal payent and a better livin standard. This deonstrated had aused international attention to the woen’s rihts. A year later, a ritial eetin was held in Deark, in order to proote the woen’s liberation and equal rihts, the ounil ebers deided to establish the Woen’s Day on arh th. Then arh th, 1911 just beae the first Woen’s day.
In our ountry, durin the woen’s day, the woen usually have a day-off holiday. The ounities or opanies will oranie the rereational ativities suh as a sprin outin, a nie dinner and soe extra welfare. n this speial day, the woen an really realie that a woan’s value is not only ivin birth to a hild, doin endless housework, but also find her own status in the odern soiety. That is she an ake a different. She an do everythin that a an an do. When you look around, you will find that ore and ore woen are atin as sientists, dotors, lawyers, even leaders. Just try to reeber, woen rule half of this world. The life ould quite different without their wisdo and beauty.
Happy International Woen’s Day!
Today I a very happy, beause today is not only "3" woen's day, but also y other's birthday.
Early in the ornin I thouht, what to do for y other? I thouht to yself, I didn't think of a way, so I went to ask dad. Dad said, "you an ake her a ard or do soethin for her." So I deided to ake her a ard. I took out a sall piee of ardboard and wrote, "happy holidays and ood health." Well, I put the ARDS in y roo.
I went out to help y other op the floor, y other said in surprise: "you don't even touh the housework, how do you have to op the floor today?" I'll just op the floor and not answer o. At noon, I put the ARDS in y other's roo, and y other said to e, "what are you doin in the roo?" I siled at y other and said, "it's a seret."
At niht, I said to y other, "happy birthday to you, and I wish you a happy holiday." other said: "today is y birthday I reeber, today is what holiday?" I opened y eyes to y other and said, "today is arh eihth international woen's day! Don't you reeber? "I thouht you knew it was for you," I said to y other. y other took the ard and looked at it, oved to tears.
Today is woen's day, and also the day I et the sholarship. Look! I ade a hoolate bar for y other with a sholarship. Althouh I have paid a lot for yself, I a very happy in y heart: I an also ive y other a ift, instead of wrappin around y other for presents!
But o is sik and an't eat sweet food. I had to put the hoolate in the fride, but after a few days y other was very ill, and she took a bi bite, and I eaerly asked, "is it ood?" She said it was a little sandy. I took a bite, too. I was a little depressed. But y other enouraed e, "but it's sweet, it's reat!" y heart is sweet and happy! I wrote a few words speifially for y other, althouh it was not very ood.