y shool life is very olofulI have any lovely lassates and teahers.
y friend XX is always with e.We study and play toether.We happy every day.After lass y lassates always ask questions eah other.And I`d love ask question to y lassates and teahersthey are very helpful.I ost like y Enlish/ath/hinese teahershe/he is funny and kindful.She/He always silewhih akes e very ofortable.I like PE lass very uh.In P.E.lasswe an play so any balls toether.
That is y shool lifey happy and wonderful shool life.
I’ To. I’ a student in rade 7.
y shool life is interestin. I like it very uh. I have lasses in the ornin and 3 lasses in the afternoon. I study Enlish hinese ath and soe other subjets. I like Enlish best beause it’s easy and interestin. I don’t like ath beause I always eet diffiulties in studin ath. I try hard but it doesn't work at all. After lass I often play basketball with y lassates. I o to the shool library for soe readin twie a week. I like y shool life.
What about yours? an you tell e soethin about it?
y shoool life is busy and fantasti. First, we have four lasses in the ornin and three in the afternoon. We have to et to shool before 7:30 beause we have a ornin lass. Seond, I like y shool life beause teahers and y lassates are friendly and helpful. We also have lots of after-shool ativies. Third, our shool environent is very beautiful, the teahers all an ake their lesson interestin and instrutive. So I like y shool life very uh.
y nae is Lily, a rade eiht student. I like y shool life very uh beause it’s really enjoyable. In shool, I spent the tie with y lovely lassates and teahers. They all help e a lot with y study and life.
I have six ourses eah day fro onday to Friday and forty inutes eah. The ourses I learn in shool are hinese, atheatis, Enlish, eoraphy, sports and so on. I like Enlishost beause it’s very interestin and y teaher is so lovely and kind. In one word, y shool life akes e happy and I learn a lot in shool.
Prospetive students an et a taste of apus life durin the suer onths by spendin a day or evenin at Penn State New Kensinton.
Durin the Spend a Suer Day and Spend a Suer Evenin events in June, July, and Auust, partiipants an eet staff and urrent students, and find out all they need to know about adissions, finanial aid and student life. pportunities to tour the apus are available and a free lunh and entertainent are provided.
The first Spend a Suer Day prora is a weekend event slated fro 9:30 a.. to 12:30 p.. on Saturday, June 20. Adult learners who an't ake it durin the day due to work oitents ay spend a suer evenin on apus fro 6:30-9:00 p.. on Thursday, July 30. The final Spend a Suer Day is a weekday event, set fro 9:30 a.. to 12:30 p.. on Thursday, Au. 6.