In the evenin, the failies usually have puddin, sandwihes, apple pies and soe other desserts for dinner.After supper, the failies always sin and dane around the hristas tree.Soeties, they also o to hurh.Before oin to bed, the hildren often han up their stokins beside their bed, so that Father hristas will fill the with presents.It is said that Father hristas always drives a deer to the huan world and enterin into eah house fro the hiney.Now the hildren no loner believe in Father hristas, but they still han up their stokins, beause their parents will fill the with presents.
hristas Day is very popular around the world, when that day oes, we an see the hristas produts sell everywhere, thouh hristas Day is not oriinatin fro hina, in our ountry, ore and ore people spend that day. A foreiner pointed out that hristas eant to be rateful for the, while for hinese people, it was just a day for elebratin. To e, hristas indeed eans a day to have fun. When I was sall, I did not have the onept of hristas, beause in y ind, I only knew hinese traditional festivals, I liked Sprin Festival best, I ould et a lot of oney fro parents. When I went to hih shool, all of y friends would talk about hristas Day when the day was near, so I started to know it. Alost every youn people like hristas, but if you ask the what the eanin of the day, less of the an answer.
The eanin of hristas Day is to reind people of Jesus’s birth, it is so iportant for the western people, but for e, I only want to have fun, everyone is elebratin it, so I join the, bein happy, that’s enouh for e.
It was one of the last days before hristas, and the as sistants in the lare store had their hands full servin eaer hristas shoppers.
At one ounter an old lady was hoosin loves red ones for her dauher in law, liht blue ones for her niee, pink ones for her rand dauhter, reen ones for her sister and by the tie she had found what she wanted, the ounter was overed with pairs of all olors and sies.
When the salesirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next ustoer with a tired voie. "Thank you very uh, ada," the old lady suddenly ried out, "h, I alost forot..."——"Anythin else, ada?" said the irl, "Yes," bean the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' not quite sure about what exatly I should loose. I wonder if you ould help e." "ertainly, ada", was the irl's reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was lookin for was a pair of loves for a irl of her ae. She was not at ail sure what olor to hoose, and the desin was a proble too.
The tired irl did her best to help the old lady ake up her ind, showin her ail kinds of loves.
At last the hosen pair of loves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the irl was about to turn to the next ustoer, the old lady handed her a little parel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for bein so patient. I do hope you have a erry hristas !"