







Have you ever had a drea about your splendid future or iained soethin unreal but interestin or eaninful? Tell your loset friend about it now. y Drea I have a drea that I a always youn. Then I will have enouh enery to do everythin whenever I want. oreover, I don't have to worry about the old ae durin whih I even an't take are of yself. I know that y drea will not oe true. However, I think it is luky that I a youn now. So I will treasure y tie, enjoy y life and try y best to do everythin well.


I' now livin in a sall house with y parents. Life for us is hard but happy. I ust study hard so that I an buy a bi new house soe day. I all it a drea house.

It has three floors with five bedroos, three bathroos, two bi dinin roos and two livin roos. When y friends oe to visit e, I will have enouh bedroos for the. We'll have a ood tie. Besides that, we will have a swiin pool behind the house and a arden in front of the house. In the ornin, y parents an do soe exerise in the arden. The air ust be very fresh. When we feel tired, we an have a swi in the swiin pool. Life will be easy for us.

I'll study harder than before so that the drea an oe true.


y abition is to beoe a teaher. As a hild, I had any dreas, but beoin teaher is the ost thin I want to be. Durin the lass, I pay ore attention to teaher‘s instrution, and at as teaher ‘s helper. I think teaher has ore influene on hildren‘s ind and behavior. There are any ries and disorders in our soiety, as any of outlaws oe fro broken faily and huan‘s reed. If I an be a teaher, I definitely will ask y students be a honor and useful person. The oal of our life is to help eah other and reah the harony happiness. I hope y abition and drea an oe true. I a willin to study hard and beoe a teaher in the future.


I a ood at writin and I a interested in travellin around the world,So I want to beoe a reporter in the future.

As a reporter, I an ouniate with any different kinds of people. I an show the real world to readers.

As a etter of fat, to be a ood reporter is not easy.

It is a hallene for e.

Now I ust study hard and lay a solid foundation. Also I ust build up y body.


Yesterday, we had a disussion. the topi is. What is y dreaEvery one has his drea. Soe want to be teahers,others want to be sientists. y drea is to beoe a dotor.

y friends asked e why. I told the y story. When I was a sall boy I was very weak. ne I was terribly iii. I had a hih fever. y parents sent e to the hospital but the dotors ould do nothin for e. then y parents heard there was a very ood dotor in another town. they took e there. I was saved.

A ood dotor an save people's lives. Fro then on I deided to beoe a dotor. I know it is not easy to be a dotor.But I a deterined to study hard. I a sure y drea will oe true.


I want to be a teaher when I listen to y teaher arefully. I think I an be a teaher when I row up. I an help any students learn thins well. I an play with y students, too. So we are ood friends. I want to be a dotor when I see any dotors save their patients. To be a dotor is really reat. I think I an be a dotor when I row up. Then I an help any people out of daner. I will be the happiest irl in the world.I want to be a reporter when I wath TV every evenin. We an et lots of iportant inforation fro the. They ake the world saller and also ake us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I row up. And I an learn a lot about hina and the other ountries around the world. I an eet any superstars as well. I have lots of dreas.

I think y dreas an oe true one day, beause there's an old sayin "where there is a will,there is a way."






























