







hinese new year is a hinese traditional festival. We also all it the sprin festival. It is on lunar january 1st.

n new year's eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a bi faily dinner. There are soe veetables, soe fish, soe eat, soe fruits and soe drink like juie, oke, pepsi and soe nie wine. verall, this is a ood and deliious dinner. After dinner, we always wath TV new year proaes. We have a wonderful evenin on new year’s eve.

n the first day of the sprin festival, ost of people et up early and say "happy new year" to eah other. for breakfast, people often eat duplins and baoi. After breakfast, people often ake any deliious foods, and hildren often play ards, oputer aes and fireworks. n the seond and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

Everyone is busy on hinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.


Today is the seond day after the end of the year. We should pay a visit to our relatives and friends as usual. After breakfast, our faily went to visit their relatives and friends. We take a lot of thins, first o to visit relatives in the near future, and then o to distant relatives to pay New Year's all, but we have to have lunh at y randa's hoe before lunh. This rule has not haned.

After we piked up our thins, we set off. Today, we are happy that we an earn a lot of oney today, so I have to pay a new year all, but even if I don't want oney, I will o to pay New Year's all. Beause I love keuai, so to every hoe, in addition to y oney, I will be in a sall dish they prepared, take soe seeds, I never take the seeds, without suar. Beause of the speial love keuai, so every keuai finers will be partiularly painful, but still elon seeds.

Whenever I arrive at a house, I will take what I have prepared before, and put the in the ost proinent position in their roo. I always fear they don't know, but they worry that they will show e that.

Finally, this ornin will be finished, we oe to the randother's house, but they see to have arrived early. Soon, we bean to eat in a piee of joy.


The traditional usto of the Sprin Festival festival is a traditional usto. Today is the seond of the year. Aordin to the traditional hinese ustos, it is the day for people to visit eah other. randa said: “ there will be a lot of people oin hoe in a oent. ” Sure, we had just had breakfast, and the doorbell ran.

I ran to open the door and let the uests into the roo. The first thin was a little boy who looked just two or three years old. He has a hubby fae, two thik blak eyebrows, a pair of bi eyes hushanhushan, a look that is a sart boy. I saw hi sile to y randa and randpa and randa and randpa repeatedly won the hands in front of bow, his outh kept shoutin: “ randpa and randa happy new year, ood health, ood luk in everythin. ” a youn ouple followin up, silin fae to fae: “ unle, Auntie is ood at the new year. ” “ K, ood, ood new year. ” randa and randpa were busy respondin and reetin the uests to sit down. At this tie, y randother was lad to have her eyes narrowed into a sea, and the wrinkles on his fae had vanished. randpa was ore radiant, busy and round, rabbed the andy, rabbed the elon and reeted the uests. By the introdution of randpa, I knew it was a neihbour upstairs to ive a new year to randa and randpa.

All day after, the uests of the faily oe and o. Lauhter and talk filled the roo, and randparents had been busy all day. Althouh they were a little tired, they were very happy.

It's a real boisterous New Year! I hope to elebrate the new year, so randa and randpa an be so happy every day.














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