作文话题:Ain of the Population
Ain of the Population
Population offiials and deoraphers have uh to worry about hina’s inreasinly ain population. It is estiated that the proportion of people aed 60 or older in hina will rise to 11. perent in 2020. By the iddle of this entury, people aed beyond 60 will take up 27.4 perent of the total population — that eans one out of every four people will be senior!
The ain population poses a serious hallene to failies and the soiety. n the one hand, with failies beoin saller and livin pae esalatin, it is even raver for failies to are for aed ebers adequately. n the other hand, ain auses a relative deline in workin fore. onsequently, the produtivity of the whole soiety will be affeted to soe extent。
The rapidity of the population’s ain has ade it ore urent for the adoption of ountereasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid eonoi foundation. eanwhile, iportane should be attahed to overall soial proress by hanin the bakward situation in soial seurity, welfare and servie. What’s ore, faily are and ounity-based servies should also be enouraed。
The proble of old ae is known as one of the ost serious proble in today's world. The old people an be seen everywhere. As is shown in the raph, the nuber of people in the world over the ae of sixty will have inreased to 600 illion by the end of this entury. And by the tie, there will also be twie as any people over the ae of eihty. In the ten years between 1970 and 190, there was a 23.7% inrease in the nuber of people aed over sixty-five in the industrial world, and an even bier inrease of 3.2% in the developin world.
With the developent of eonoy, the rise in people's livin standards and the iproveent of edial onditions, people are livin loner and loner. Furtherore, birth rates are fallin as the pae of population rowth slows down. As a result, the nuber of old people in the world is experienin an inrease. Thouh the inrease will ause anifold soial and eonoi onsequenes, we an take effetive easures to deal with it. So I believe a briht toorrow for old people will be ahieved throuh efforts of every person.