1. 我国人口老龄化现象日趋明显
2. 人口老龄化带来的问题
3. 如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题
Ain of the Population
Population offiials and deoraphers have uh to worry about hina’s inreasinly ain population. It is estiated that the proportion of people aed 60 or older in hina will rise to 11. perent in 2020. By the iddle of this entury, people aed beyond 60 will take up 27.4 perent of the total population — that eans one out of every four people will be senior!
The ain population poses a serious hallene to failies and the soiety. n the one hand, with failies beoin saller and livin pae esalatin, it is even raver for failies to are for aed ebers adequately. n the other hand, ain auses a relative deline in workin fore. onsequently, the produtivity of the whole soiety will be affeted to soe extent.
The rapidity of the population’s ain has ade it ore urent for the adoption of ountereasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid eonoi foundation. eanwhile, iportane should be attahed to overall soial proress by hanin the bakward situation in soial seurity, welfare and servie. What’s ore, faily are and ounity-based servies should also be enouraed.
enerally the tendenies of three ountries keep up thouh there are soe differenes aon the. The Japanese old people aed 6 and over aount for % in 1940 whih is the lowest proportion in three ountries. The situation will reain till about 2030. After that its proportion has a suddenly rise and exeed the other ountries’ proportion. Till 2040, it will reah it peak of 27%.
The USA old people’s proportion is a little ore than the Sweden’s. However this trend was reversed in 1999. After this year, the proportion of Sweden has a sharp rise till 201 while the USA ‘s proportion reain a steady at the sae tie. Fro Jooone.o.
In suary, before 2000 the proportions of aed people of three ountries were reained under 1%. But after 2030, these proportions will exeed 20%.
The ain population is oin to beoe a ajor onern partiularly in ore developed ountries, but this should not be viewed as soethin threatenin to soiety. It is a blessin for any individual to live a lon and healthy life, only that it ould indiate that the responsibilities of arin for the elderly in the future ay partly fall on the youner eneration. The questions refer espeially to how the youner eneration ould provide answers that are able to ove soiety forward, takin into aount a nuber of soial and eonoi effets on the nation as a whole.
As the proportion of older people is steadily inreasin, there are doubts over hanes reardin the struture of a odern soiety. A possible hane ay the distribution of years of expeted lifespan on the soial sale, now that the faily plannin prora is in fashion. Then, what will this draati shift ean for soial servies, suh as health arin and pension on retireent? verall effets, however, are not lear enouh; for instane, how older people's proloned lives are to be arraned in the soial ontext? At this point, it is interestin to know how today's youner eneration would re-think their roles in soiety if they iht live 100 or ore and be in ood shape? And should workin people in soiety ontinue to be retired as usual at 60 (for woen) and 6 (for en)?
Eonoy-wise, questions also abound. To bein with, what does it ean to a soiety in whih half of the population is aed over 60 and ould partially reain in ative workfore? This bein the ase, would people still deide to dediate their first two deades only to eduation, the next four deades exlusively to areer and parentin, and the last 40 years solely to leisure, awaitin eventual death at 100 or so? So, it is up to the youner eneration to ake eonoi sense of people livin loner in the future, seein the ain population less as a burden than a bonus. In other words, if older people ould keep workin for ore years, ains in people's lifespan should not neessarily ause eonoi losses to soiety. Neither should possible osts of publi health easures, disease preventions, iproved livin onditions and better edial interventions be onsidered as a 'waste of oney'.
Inevitably, the phenoenon of the ain population will beoe a new reality--soially as well as eonoially. Both enerations, the youner and the older, ould soehow be expeted to work toether side by side and all ebers of soiety should in diverse ways ontribute to the well-bein of the whole ountry. Besides, on seond thouht, who is afraid of the ´oral' responsibility for the ain population?
由于老年人的比例正在稳步增加,有关于现代社会的结构变化的疑虑。一个可能的变化可能对社会的规模,年预期寿命分布现在,计划生育工作是时尚。那么,这种戏剧性的转变将意味着为社会服务,如健康的关怀和退休养老金?然而,整体效果,并不清楚,例如,老年人长期生活的社会背景被安排在?在这一点上,有趣的是,要知道,今天的年轻一代将如何重新思考他们在社会中的作用,如果它们可能生活在100元或以上,并在良好的状态?劳动人民在社会,应该继续像往常一样在60 (女性)和6 (男子)将退役?
经济方面的问题也比比皆是。首先,是什么意思,其中有一半的人口是60岁以上的社会,并能部分留在积极的劳动力?在这种情况下,人们仍然决定献出自己的头二十年教育,专门在未来四十年的职业生涯和养育子女,并在过去的40年,仅为休闲在100左右,等待最终的死亡?因此,它是年轻的一代,使人们活得更长,在未来的经济意义上的,眼看着人口老龄化的负担比奖金。换句话说,如果老年人能保持工作多年,收益人的寿命不应该必然导致社会的经济损失。公共卫生措施,疾病预防,改善生活条件和更好的医疗干预可能产生的费用也不应被视为“浪费钱” 。
不可避免的是,人口老龄化现象将成为一个新的现实 - 社会以及经济。两个世代,年轻的和旧的,可能在某种程度上可以预料并排在一起,所有的社会成员应以不同方式贡献的福祉全国。此外,在第二个想法,人口老龄化的“道德”责任谁怕?
The proble of old ae is known as one of the ost serious proble in today's world. The old people an be seen everywhere. As is shown in the raph, the nuber of people in the world over the ae of sixty will have inreased to 600 illion by the end of this entury. And by the tie, there will also be twie as any people over the ae of eihty. In the ten years between 1970 and 190, there was a 23.7% inrease in the nuber of people aed over sixty-five in the industrial world, and an even bier inrease of 3.2% in the developin world.
With the developent of eonoy, the rise in people's livin standards and the iproveent of edial onditions, people are livin loner and loner. Furtherore, birth rates are fallin as the pae of population rowth slows down. As a result, the nuber of old people in the world is experienin an inrease. Thouh the inrease will ause anifold soial and eonoi onsequenes, we an take effetive easures to deal with it. So I believe a briht toorrow for old people will be ahieved throuh efforts of every person.