1. 我国人口老龄化现象日趋明显
2. 人口老龄化带来的问题
3. 如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题
Ain of the Population
Population offiials and deoraphers have uh to worry about hina’s inreasinly ain population. It is estiated that the proportion of people aed 60 or older in hina will rise to 11. perent in 2020. By the iddle of this entury, people aed beyond 60 will take up 27.4 perent of the total population — that eans one out of every four people will be senior!
The ain population poses a serious hallene to failies and the soiety. n the one hand, with failies beoin saller and livin pae esalatin, it is even raver for failies to are for aed ebers adequately. n the other hand, ain auses a relative deline in workin fore. onsequently, the produtivity of the whole soiety will be affeted to soe extent.
The rapidity of the population’s ain has ade it ore urent for the adoption of ountereasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid eonoi foundation. eanwhile, iportane should be attahed to overall soial proress by hanin the bakward situation in soial seurity, welfare and servie. What’s ore, faily are and ounity-based servies should also be enouraed.
The ain population has been rearded as a worldwide phenoenon. (交代背景)Fundaentally, suh trend is an evitable outoe of the iproveent of eduational level and edial proress and the ahieveent of publi health proras. (分析成因)However, disadvantaes brouht with suh deoraphi hane an never be neleted.(提出个人观点)
First, as life expetany has risen and will ontinue to inrease, the pension syste will pose a far ore serious finanial burden on overnents.(中心论点) Inrease in the nuber of retired people eans a hiher pressure for those finanin their pensions.(进一步论证) Suh unsustainable situation alls for overnents to arry out ore effetive easures to keep their pension systes afloat. Unfortunately, easures suh as raisin the retireent ae to brin down hue publi defiits has proved to be quite unpopular aon people.(事例论证)
In addition, with ore eployers retirin and less workfore available, eonoy would definitely suffer. (中心论点)The nuber of job vaanies in hina are predited to reah over one hundred illion in twenty years.(事例论证) If there are not enouh youn adults replenish the labor pool, hinese overnent will probably have to rely larely on iirants fro South-eastern ountries to uarantee a suffiient labor supply and even abolish one-hild poliy in response to its onoin eonoi risis.(反证)
Fro what is disussed above, different areas of ain researh all point to the sae onlusion that disadvantaes of an ain soiety far outweihs its advantaes.(重申观点)Therefore, ountries should ooperate very losely with eah other and establish ore platfors for aadeiians and sientists to researh and reverse the onoin trend.(升华主题)
英语作文:关于中国人口老龄化China's Population Aging
导语:人口老龄化问题越来越一严重,小编收集有关人口老龄化的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:Populationoffiialsanddeoraphershaveuhtoworryabouthina’sinreasinlyainpopulation.Itisestiatedthattheproportionofpeopleaed60orolderinhinawillriseto11.perentin2020.Bytheiddl...