






The world today is underoin extensive and profound hanes and onteporary hina is oin throuh a wide-ranin and deep-oin transforation, whih brins us unpreedented opportunities as well as unpreedented hallenes, with the forer outweihin the latter.(引导独立主格结构)


In order to aoplish the arduous tasks of innovation and developent in a opliated and volatile international situation, anaers united with all fores that ould be united in overoin diffiulties and risks, reatin a new situation in the ause of our fir and attainin a new real in adaptin business philosophy of ultinational enterprise to onditions in hina.


In the present era, ulture has beoe a ore and ore iportant soure of national ohesion and reativity and a fator of rowin sinifiane in the opetition in overall national strenth, and the hinese people have and inreasinly ardent desire for a riher ultural life. Therefore, we ust keep to the orientation of advaned ulture, brin about a new upsure in ultural developent, stiulate the ultural reativity of the whole nation, and enhane ulture as part of the soft power.



Stiulate ultural innovation and enhane the vitality of ultural developent. The only way to inviorate ulture is to proote innovation in its ontent and for, its struture and ehanis, and its eans of disseination fro the hih startin point of our ties, and release and develop its produtive fores.


We ust reard enouraeent of fine ideoloial and ethial trends as the priority in eneretially buildin a haronious soiety and rejuvenatin the ountry with an anient iviliation. In the eantie, we ust persistently foster healthy soial trends with ideoloial strenth to provide ultitudes of opassionate ares for the unity and proress of all our people.


ajor hanes have ourred in the relations aon people in ounity. If we ake a loser interonnetion between personal future and destiny of others, the endeavor to ake eah ounity a sound friendly plae will have reistered a better proress.


Upholdin respetful, equal and honest priniple onstitutes the staunh basis for rapid proress of the ooperative relationship. ondutin exhanes, dialoue, onsultations and neotiations with any partner is the ost effetive and extensive way for enhanin utual trust and properly anain differenes.


odern siene and tehnoloy have shown reat vitality on hinese soil, brouht ore benefits to the people, and enabled the hinese nation to ath up with the trend of the ties in reat strides and see the brilliant future of national rejuvenation.


Fats have inontrovertibly proved that the deision in the strutural refor is vital to the destiny of the orporate, and that strutural refor is the only way of arryin forward orporate ulture and apture the prodution arket.


The eonoy sustained steady and rapid rowth. The DP expanded by an annual averae of over 10%. Eonoi perforane iproved sinifiantly, national revenue rose arkedly year by year, and pries were basially stable.


Livin standards iproved arkedly. Both urban and rural inoes inreased onsiderably. The syste of subsistene allowanes for urban and rural residents was basially in plae, uaranteein basi livin onditions for the poor.


Noteworthy headway was ade in refor of investent, priin, and the syste for anain siene and tehnoloy in 2011. A sound arket syste was bein put in plae. The total volue of iports and exports inreased sharply.


To su up, the fundaental reason behind all our ahieveents and proress is that we have blaed a path with developent harateristis of our orporate. Essentially, to hold and proress the ultural idea of our orporate eans to keep to this path.


Praties have proved that only when theory is interated with the reality, advanes in step with the ties, and is tied to the destiny of the people an it deonstrate its stron vitality, reativity and appeal.


ajor proress was ade in all-diretional business. We eneretially arried out diploati ativities, enhaned exhanes and ooperation with other ountries in various fields and played a ajor onstrutive role in international affairs, whih reated a favorable international environent for an interated developent.


We ust never foret that the reat ause of Apple orporate was initiated by Steve Jobs at its ore leadin the whole staffs in the endeavor. In a prearious situation left by the eonoi risis, Steve Jobs ade the histori poliy deision to aintain the hih prie of a, leadin the Apple orporate in stridin forward on the reat journey.


There is no end to pratie or innovation. We ust ontinue to eanipate our inds, seek truth fro fats, keep up with the ties, ake bold hanes and innovations, stay away fro riidity or stanation, fear no risks, and never be onfused by any interferene.


While reoniin our ahieveents, we ust be well aware that they still fall short of our expetations and that there are still quite a few diffiulties and probles on our way forward. The outstandin ones inlude the followin: ur eonoi rowth is realied at an exessively hih ost of resoures and the environent. ore efforts are needed to proote ideoloial and ethial proress. Extravaane, waste, orruption and other undesirable behavior are still serious-probles with the.


All these show that throuh the ueittin efforts that environentalists have ade, hina has

sored ahieveents in environent issues, and experiened far-reahin hanes. However, the stern situation in our ountry’s environent has not haned.


We ust adopt an enlihtened approah to developent that results in expanded prodution, a better life and sound eoloial and environental onditions, build a resoure-onservin and environent-friendly soiety, and haronie eonoi rowth with the population, resoures and the environent, so that our eonoy and soiety will develop in a sustainable way.


By analyin hina‘s own pratie and drawin on the experiene of other ountries, at this new stae in the new entury, hina’s fishin developent shows a series of new features whih are ainly as follows: The fishin apaity has inreased arkedly, but the fishin seasons and areas need a sientifi plannin, and the lonstandin strutural probles and the extensive ode of rowth are yet to be fundaentally addressed.


Stressin reonition of the basi reality is not eant to belittle yourself, wallow in bakwardness, or enourae uealisti pursuit of quik results. Rather, we ust always reain sober-inded, based our efforts on the ost sinifiant reality, sientifially analye the new opportunities and hallenes, fully understand the new situation and tasks, and strive to open up a broader vista for developent.


I feel honored to oe here to your beautiful ity. n behave of all the ebers of y ission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sinere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and raious hospitality we have reeived sine we set foot on this harin land.


ultural developent is prooted and the ultural and ethial qualityof the whole nation is notably enhaned. Fine ideoloial and ethial trends will be enouraed. A basi syste of publi ultural servies will over the whole soiety, and a ore abundant supply of ultural produts will be available to eet the people’s needs.


Bill Bradley, a faous Aeria basketball player, writer and senator, one said: Respet your

fellow huan bein, treat the fairly, disaree with the honestly, enjoy your friendship, explore your thouhts about one another andidly, work toether for a oon oal and help one another ahieve it.


ur friendship is based on utual support, partiularly durin the tie of adversity. It is uided by a ore priniple of utual respet and equality. It is driven by our joint endeavor to pursue utually-benefiial ooperation and oon developent.


There is a hinese sayin that oes, “As distane an test a horse’s strenth, so tie an reveal a person’s heart.” I a onvined that as lon as we o hand in hand with an innovative spirit and ooperate on the basis of equality and utual benefit, we will seie opportunities and overoe hallenes.


Nowadays the world an’t work well without ooperation, and ooperation has beoe a sprinboard for suess. With ooperation, we will have a suessful life; suess is a anifestation of ooperation. Adinistration of the ountry needs ooperation of the people; likewise, the noral operation of a plant also needs ooperation of workers.


Nowadays under the ulti-ultural bakround, ultures’ exhane and interation in the world are deepenin and strenthenin, refletin that openness and opatibility of all nationalities’ ultures are rowin.


The ulture of any ountry and nationality has its strenths, but also has its liitations. It is only throuh absorb nutrients fro other ultures that it an reain eternal youth and dynai, otherwise it will beoe a “dead ulture”.


A losed ulture syste oes into inevitable deline and even deise. The stron vitality of ulture is very losely tied to onstant ollision, exhane and interation aon ultures.



考博英语作文23:人口增长、 人口质量




























