As is known to us,hina has the biest population in the world,whih is ore than 1,300,000,000.Suh a lare population auses soe probles in ities,that's the uneployent.Too any people ather in ities and the jobs are not enouh.Soe raduates an't find a job thouh they have left shool for years.In addition,traffi ja is another proble resultin fro the bi population.There are too any ars on the roads and streets.
The situation of the ountryside is not ood.Too any people live in the ountryside and we don't have enouh far land for the.
Fortunately,our overnent has realied the probles and has attahed reat iportane to the.The overnent is tryin its best to reate ore jobs and iprove traffi systes.oreover,the one-hild poliy has helped a lot.
look at your wath for just one inuite.Durin that tie,The popuiation of the world inreased by 29.Perhaps you think that is notuh.Hoever,durin the next hour,over140 ore babies will be born on the world.
So it oes on,hour after hour.In oneday,people have to produe food fover 370000 ore ouths.ultiply this by36.justthink how any ore there will be in one year!What will happen in a hundred years?
The inreasin population
ay be the reatest hallene of the world today.The world's population is rowin faster and faster.Two thousan years ao,there only 20illon people on the earth. At the beinin of the20thentury,the world'spopulation was about 1.7billion.In 1990,it reahed ore than five billion.Now at the beininj of the 21stentthe world's population has passed six billion.people say that by the yeay 2010it ay be seven billion.That eans in about 600 years,there will br standin roo only on the earth.Eah person will have one half to one square etre of spae to live in.There will be hardly enouh spae ror anbody else.
With the developeent of y hoetown in the past few years, the population is expandin very fast. The ity is
expirienin not only a hiher birthrate than ever, but also waves of iiration. The streets in the ity are rowed or even jaed durin the rush hours. If I ould hane one thin about y hoetown, I would develope an advaned publi traffi syste.
In order to hold suh an explodin population, the ity has extended iles by iles without uh plan. It is
oon for people to travel fro the southost part to the northost part of the ity to o to work everyday. They have to spend three hours or ore on the way they o to work and oe hoe. Eiht hours’ work is a heavy burden, while people have to spend hours before and after the work. A subway runnin throuh or around the ity an
solve the proble. People ould live further away fro the downtown without worryin about spendin too uh tie on the way.
Soe people buy their own ar or take a taxi to work
everyday. It’s really expensive for ost of the people in the ity. They an’t afford payin so uh on traffi fares. any ivil enineerin experts advoate that sharin a publi traffi syste is the ost effiient way. People ould redue their fares a lot by usin the publi traffi syste, and they an spend the oney on soe other thins.
Even there are ore and ore people who an afford buyin a ar or takin taxi everyday, It is still
suested to usin the publi traffi syste. Beause the road developeent an never keep up with the deand of the inreasin ars, the ars ay ja on the roads durin rush hours. Usually, the speed of the ar in that tie is no hiher than a byile! And pollution is another onern. So any private ars runnin in the ity will brin us an environental proble. n the other hand, the pollution fro the publi traffi syste is uh lihter. All in all, an advaned publi traffi syste tie effiient, ost effiient, and pollution preventin. This is the trend of advaned ities。
英语作文:关于中国人口老龄化China's Population Aging