






hina has a hue population, so the population of hina will be very hard to ontrol. any speialists to solve this proble, but no one have a ood

way to solve. Now, the population of hina have about 1.3 billion population, and land holdins per head averae only 0.2 hetares, also the plouh holdins per head averae only 0.106 hetares. It take up 43% of the world, so that eans the resoure of our ountry is very less now, and didnt surpass the half perentae of the world.

In this artile, I will show you soe inforation about the hinese population poliy.

The history of hinese poliy

Start with 1949, hina was liberate. The leader of hina ao edon was ake a poliy whih is enourae people to bear, beause the ao think a stron ountry need a hue population. So, in that tie if a woan burn any hildren, then the woan will alled “hero woan”.

And any people were born, that is why the population of hina were very hue new.

In 197, the faily plan were start to use, beause the population of hina is too hue, and need soe poliy to ontrol it. So hinese overnent was start to use the faily plannin to ontrol, that is the ost useful way to ontrol, they do any thin like welfare to the hinese people.

At that tie, any of the population were like thispoliy, beause they an et uh benefit fro this event.

I have seen soe poster of the faily plannin in 197, and I think it is fool the oon people in that tie. So I always pity for all elderly hinese

people, and y parent tell e it was very ruel that tie. When you born ore than one hild, you will have uh and uh punishent fro the overnent, like to injure your house, inrease your tax levy, but not ruel as kill you, so hinese is very kind that tie!

Now, the overnent have been thinkin the proble of the population, soe peoplesay that we have been keepin the faily plannin, and other people think we have to stop the faily, so it have two hoose of faily plannin, eah of it will have a bi hane in hina.

Faily plannin

Faily plannin is a kind of population poliy in the world whih is very oon, any ountry were use this poliy to ontrol the population, beause it is very easy to use, and very onvenient to anae the population. Also is very low-ost to use.

But it have soe bad way, like it will have a bi proble alled ain of population, it ade the any youn peoples burden very hue, very hard to are two parent or ore.

onlude, faily plannin isnt the best way to ontrol the population, and it an brin any proble to the ountry. But we ant find another way to ontrol the population, so we just an use this poliy.

The poliy of population now

ne hinese leader of faily plannin departent said that we have to keep oin for faily plannin forever, and hina need uh and uh strit faily plannin to ontrol our population.

Then any speialist to publish their own idea of faily plannin, all of

ideas were talk about to weaken or stop the faily plannin, and ive soe advie of population. Here I would like introdue soe speialist ideas.

hinese population is very lare now, if we stop rowin iediately, it will have a bi proble all ain of population. If this proble happen, the youn people will be very hard to provide their faily.

Population will be stop rowin to 1. illiard if we dont do anythin, so that is a ood way to ontrol the population and dont have uh shortoin. It an be a better way to ontrol the population, isnt it

If we still usin the poliy of faily plannin, it will have a lare population derease, and will have aneffet of any thin. Produtivity of hina will be less, and anpower resoure will be less too.

This is all y thinkin









英语作文:关于中国人口老龄化China's Population Aging














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