The ain population is oin to beoe a ajor onern partiularly in ore developed ountries, but this should not be viewed as soethin threatenin to soiety. It is a blessin for any individual to live a lon and healthy life, only that it ould indiate that the responsibilities of arin for the elderly in the future ay partly fall on the youner eneration. The questions refer espeially to how the youner eneration ould provide answers that are able to ove soiety forward, takin into aount a nuber of soial and eonoi effets on the nation as a whole.
As the proportion of older people is steadily inreasin, there are doubts over hanes reardin the struture of a odern soiety. A possible hane ay the distribution of years of expeted lifespan on the soial sale, now that the faily plannin prora is in fashion. Then, what will this draati shift ean for soial servies, suh as health arin and pension on retireent? verall effets, however, are not lear enouh; for instane, how older peoples proloned lives are to be arraned in the soial ontext? At this point, it is interestin to know how todays youner eneration would re-think their roles in soiety if they iht live 100 or ore and be in ood shape? And should workin people in soiety ontinue to be retired as usual at 60 and 6 ?
The two harts ive inforation about sinle-oupant households in Enland in the year 2011. The bar hart opares fiures for oupants' ae and ender, and the pie hart shows data about the nuber of bedroos in these hoes.
verall, feales ade up a hiher proportion of people livin alone than ales, and this differene is partiularly notieable in the older ae ateories. We an also see that the ost oon nuber of bedroos in a sinle-oupant hoe was two.
A sinifiant ajority of the people aed 6 or over who were livin alone in Enland in 2011 were feale. Woen ade up around 72% of sinle oupants aed 7 to 4, and 76% of those aed or over. By ontrast, aon youner adults the fiures for ales were hiher. For exaple, in the 3-49 ae ateory, en aounted for nearly 6% of people livin alone.
In the sae year, 3.4% of one-person households in Enland had two bedroos, while one-bedroo and three-bedroo hoes aounted for 2% and 29.% of the total. Under 7% of sinle-oupant hoes had four or ore bedroos.
Is it a ood idea to ontrol the world's population rowth?
1. In odern ties, a faily with few hildren, or even with no hildren at all, is still a happy faily.
2. With fewer hildren in a faily, parents spend less tie on household hores and onentrate ore on their own interests, and their hildren enjoy better aterial and eduational opportunities than those in bier failies.
3. The ost pressin proble reated by the rapid inrease in population is a shortae of food. At present a lare proportion of the existin population is not ettin enouh of the riht kind of food.
4. The rapid rise in world population is reatin probles for all ountries on earth beause there siply aren't enouh resoures.
. Both rih and poor ountries of the world should take united ation to deal with the population explosion. therwise, there will be ore people fihtin for less land and fewer resoures, and the future will brin poverty, isery and war to us all.
6. Population inrease in developin ountries has wiped out the aterial benefits that they have ahieved.
7. Statistis show that where the population rate is hih, people's livin standards are Jow. This eans, people's livin onditions annot iprove unless there is a redution in the inreased rate of population.
. verpopulation reates a shortae of shools, teahers, hospitals and dotors.
9. verpopulation auses probles in housin and eployent, espeially in ities.
10. Just iaine how uh better life would be if the world population were ut by half!
1. People in ariultural areas need ore hildren to help the with the work in the fields.
2. Whether to have hildren or not is a private atter and nobody should interfere with it.
3. It is unfair to blae all the probles on the inrease in population. It is those reedy anufaturers and businessen in developed ountries that ake the heaviest deands on the world's resoures and ause the ost pollution.
4. If population ontrol were a ust, it should be arried out in developed ountries as well beause a baby born in USA will use in his lifetie 30 ties ore of the world's resoures than a baby born in India.
. hildren are the ost iportant in life. With fewer hildren around, life will be dull, eaninless and unhappy. It is inredible for a ouple to have no hildren at all.
6. hildren in a faily ive the parents a sense of responsibihty and pride. They are very iportant to the stability of a faily.
7. Population ontrol does reater har than we realie. For instane, if the one-hild pohy is still in pratie in 100 years, people then will have little idea of kinship~ ties, for ost of the will have no brothers, sisters, unles, aunts, or ousins.
. With the overnent's faily plannin poliy in operation we now have a eneration of "only hild" failies: ost of the are arroant, selfish, and spoilt.
9. A bi faily offers hildren a hane to learn how to ope with and are for other people.
10. hildren in bi failies have the hane to opete with eah other, in ters of their anners at hoe, their study at shool, their perforane at their plae of work, et. lder hildren usually have a reat influene on the youner one.