The lare nuber of our population has beoe one of the ost serious probles of our soiety. Aordin to a reent survey of the National Bureau of Statistis, there are ore than 1.3 billion people in our ountry, whih aount for about 1/ of all the people in the world. The sae survey also predits that our population will row quikly in the years to oe.
verpopulation has brouht about a series of neative effets to our eonoi developent and soial seurity. In the first plae, too any people ipose a heavy burden on our environent. As a result, we suffer fro a shortae of fresh water and natural resoures. In the seond plae, as the supply of labor reatly exeeds the deand of the soiety, any people beoe eployed. This is a soure of soial unrest. Last but not least, we have to anufature all kinds of produts to eet the needs of the people, whih auses environent pollution to our lakes and land.
Serious thouh the proble sees, we have to take soe easures to takle it. n the one hand, the overnent should arry out ore stritly the poliy of faily plannin, thus reduin the total nuber of population. n the other hand, all the people should realie the hars of overpopulation. With the onerted efforts of all the parties onerned, we’re sure to solve the proble in the future.
The huan rae has experiened a onsistent inrease in population sine the beinnin of its history. Faine and disease have done little to offset this steady inrease. Too any people are added annually to the population of the world. So both the auses of population inrease and the results of havin ore people are worth areful study.
ulture evolution is the ajor fator responsible for population inrease. Early in huan developent, people invented tools to hunt anials. Later they built shelters to protet theselves. Step by step, they ade life easier. As a result, fewer died fro natural fores, suh as harsh liate and disease.
In the past, when population rew, there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now, alost all the habitable land has been explored.Fro jooone.o.
The world's population ay reah .7 billion in 2033. It is lear that world population is a serious issue that needs areful attention. Huan beins are unique to solve probles throuh ultural evolution.Fain the world population explosion in the near future. We ust arry out the birth ontrol prora in order to save the ankind and save the world.
Proress in siene and the iproveent of livin onditions have led to the rapid rowth of the world population. odern ediine, for exaple, has ade it possible for babies to row up healthily and for people to live loner. With iproved livin onditions, partiularly in the ountryside, people tend to have larer failies. As a result, the world population has inreased so rapidly that it has now exeeded 6 billion. But the overrowth of population presents a threat to the existene of huan soiety. A lare population deands a REat deal of food supply and shelter spae. However, liited produtivity and sare world resoures an hardly eet the needs of the ever-inreasin population. Thus, in the lon run, the overrowth of the world population will only har ankind.
To uarantee the steady developent of huan soiety, ankind ust realie the onsequenes resultin fro fast population rowth and arry out a faily plannin prorae. nly by adoptin effetive easures, an huan soiety develop steadily and have a briht future.
如今,世界上的人口正变得越来越大。与世界人口的增加,越来越多的问题。小编收集了人口增长的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:人口增长Nowadays,thepopulationoftheworldisbeoinlarerandlarer.Withtheinreasinofthepopulationoftheworld,thereareoreandoreprobl...
如今,人口以及环境已成为一个非常重要的问题,小编收集了关于人口问题的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:关于人口问题的英语作文Nowadayswehavetofaetheproblethatthereisasharpinreasininpopulationofhina,andpeopletendtoetoreandoreold,butanyofusdidn'treali...