







Sypathy is oon to all huan beins.We feel sypatheti for soeone when justie annot prevail for hi.Even if he has oitted a rie,ost people still show rief for the onsequenes a an has to fae as he ay be deprived of soial status and opportunity beause of a istake that sees trivial in appearane.Yet people are least sypatheti towards huan beins also.ost people show sypathy for other anials and plants fallin viti to ankind's proress,seein a distorted ladder leanin aainst the wron wall.People do feel anry when they see drouhts,earthquakes,politial onflits,or even assares rupture huanity,but those are teporary probles that an be solved in a atter of tie,whereas environental probles ay ontinue for deades and ost people are truly sypatheti for the rihts of ountless livin thins they theselves are destroyin.

Sypathy eans a lot in our daily life.It otivates us to develop the apaity for helpin the weak.But bear in ind that what the weak ones ostly rave is not eotional support,but realisti hanes to stand on an equal level with their brothers to strive for a better future.onfuianis and other hinese philosophies have adequate priniples that an lead people to use sypathy in the best way.Sypathy plays an iportant role in iprovin the world.


We've all heard the quote, 'Be Kind, for everyone you eet is fihtin a hard battle.'


y husband and son died within two years of eah other. Fro y personal experiene, I believe that if we aren't areful, rief an beoe a rather self-involved proess in whih we an beoe so foused on our own sufferin that we iss the opportunity to onnet with, and possibly brin ofort to, soeone else who ay be oin throuh a siilar experiene.


Six onths after y husband died, I was sinkin in the quiksand of rief. I ould not pull yself out of the isery.


In that oent, I atually believed that y life was ore diffiult than anyone else around e. Life handed e a perfetly wrapped lesson that opened y eyes to the fat that throuh y sufferin I had allowed yself to beoe blinded by y self-pity.


The lesson presented itself in a health risis. I had opliations fro a surial proedure and ended up bein hospitalied for four days. I was in an extree aount of pain durin this tie. Between the physial pain and the eotional pain of rief, I was an absolute ess.


I should also tell you that I a a Reistered Nurse. As a nurse, it is hard to be on the reeivin end of ediine as the patient.


The first three nihts that I was in the hospital, the sae nurse took are of e. She was youn, aybe in her id to late 20s, and she hardly interated with e at all the first two nihts, other than to ive y ediations as sheduled. She obviously had no idea how uh eotional pain I was in. How hard is it to ask your patient how she's feelin? I wrote her off as a bad nurse who had little epathy, and reained absorbed in y own eotional and physial pain.


The third niht the youn nurse was a little ore talkative. She asked e how I was feelin (finally!). I told her that I was strulin with depression and rief beause y husband had died in an airplane aident.


She looked at e and told e that her husband had died too, just two onths earlier. I was stunned. Speehless. Shoked.


Never, in any of the possibilities that y ind entertained of why this nurse was so stand-offish with e, did I even onsider that she iht be in the sae pain I was. Not only was she rievin as I was, but she was havin to take are of e, instead of arin for herself and her faily.


We went on to talk and share our stories about our late husbands and hildren. I like to think that we helped eah other a bit that niht.


We had uh ore in oon than I would have believed. We were both widowed sinle os with youn hildren, and nurses. But, that was where the siilarities ended. Her husband had no insurane poliy. She had very little faily support. She was workin payhek to payhek to support her boys. I was hubled. I realied how uh I had to be rateful for. And, frankly, I never saw life the sae way after this experiene.


This experiene was a life-hanin event for e. I had always prided yself on bein an epatheti person, but I realie now that I had not really understood what bein epatheti eant.


To truly be epatheti, you ust be able to see beyond your own pain to be witness to the pain. I never looked at another person in the sae way after this experiene.


The ashier hekin e out at the roery store who seeed rude and in a hurry? Who knows what was oin on in his day, week, life? aybe he reently lost a spouse or a hild. aybe he has experiened opounded losses. I had no way of knowin what this an was oin throuh. Who was I to jude hi?


I thank death for very few thins. The ift of epathy for y fellow an, and understandin that we all suffer in ways that aren't always visible, are presents fro death that I will always be rateful for.


Always take the tie to be kind. Even when you're sufferin with your own pain. And don't assue that soeone else has it easier than you. You never know the battles soeone else is fihtin.



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