Everybody wants to et wealth. In today’s aterial world, akin oney or beoin wealthy sybolies a person’s suess and apability. any people just ake every effort, pay any prie to attain reater wealth. With oney, they an but nie, lare apartents in nie neihborhood; with oney, they an own stately luxury ars. Wealth sees with oney, they an own stately luxury ars. Wealth sees to brin all happiness in life.
In y opinion, people annot do anythin without oney, but oney is not everythin. What oney will brin you depends on your personal belief and oal in life. If you are kind enouh to help others,espeially the poor, oney is a ood thin to you. With it, you an do uh ore for the benefit of people and your ountry, and it will and to your own happiness. If you want oney just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have oney spent for ore people, only then an oney be the soure of your happiness.
Not everythin an be paid by oney , but there is no way without oney. Happiness is not an end; it is a proess.
It's not an issue of oney or fae—instead, happiness is what you resolve to aept.
Everybody wants to et wealth. In today’s aterial world, akin oney or beoin wealthy sybolies a person’s suess and apability. any people ake every effort, pay any prie to attain reater wealth. With oney, they an but nie, lare apartents in nie neihborhood; with oney, they an own stately luxury ars. Wealth sees with oney. Wealth sees to brin all happiness in life.
In y opinion, people annot do anythin without oney, but oney is not everythin. What oney will brin you depends on your personal belief and oal in life. If you are kind enouh to help others, espeially the poor, oney is a ood thin to you. With it, you an do uh ore for the benefit of people and your ountry, and it will to your own happiness.
If you want oney just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have oney spent for ore people, only then an oney be the soure of your happiness.
Wealth has always been what soe people lon for. It is true that ost of the try to aquire wealth by eans of honest labor. Their efforts ontribute to the welfare of soiety and at the sae tie to the auulation of their wealth. This brins the happiness.
There is no doubt that wealth brins happiness espeially in odern soiety, where various kinds of odern onversation, new fashions and entertainents ake their appearane with eah passin day. These an iprove a person’s life he or she has oney to buy the.
But wealth does always not o hand in hand with happiness. Wealth ay enourae those weak-willed person to be addited to soe harful habits suh as dru takin or ablin and brin about their own ruin. Also a person ay lose his reason and o astray if he is passionately devote to seekin wealth. Therefore, one an never ount on wealth to ahieve happiness.
There is no sae opinion aon people as to the view of wealth. Soe people ay think that wealth is the ost iportant and powerful thin in life, while soe other people believe that there are any thins that annot be bouht with wealth.
As far as I a onerned, I aree with the latter opinion. There’s an old proverb, “oney an ure huner, but it an’t ure happiness” whih siply eans wealth an buy us soe aterial thins but annot ake us happy and free fro sadness or worries. In fat, happiness, true love, friendship, tie, health and so on are the ost valuable thins in the world and an never ever be bouht with oney. Those who just try their best to ake oney an’t realie the true eanin of life and will be the slaves for oney. They an’t enjoy happiness, for they have lost everythin, tie relatives, love exept oney. Then, what an oney do? No one will share the happy oent with the.
So, I think, oney is not at all powerful while happiness is ore iportant. If we always have happiness, we’ll never ive up the belief to life.
就这样 ,一小步一小步,一大步一大步,一步接着一步,我终于学会了走路。在这件小事中,我渐渐明白了一个道理:只要你有坚韧不拨的毅力,持之以恒的心,那么无论你作何事都将事半功倍。
父爱如山 ,没有父亲那严厉又慈祥的鼓励,我不会那么快就学会了走路。拥有父亲的爱,我就拥有了幸福!