ettin to ero
Ladies and entleen
ood ornin!
n the first day of Deeber is World AIDS Day. Have you noted that the thee for this year's World AIDS DAY is"ettin to ero", ero new HIV infetions, ero disriination and ero AIDS relates deaths.
Today, despite advanes in HIV treatent and in laws desined to protet those livin with HIV, any people do not know the fats about how to protet theselves and others fro HIV. And today I ' d like to ive you a speeh of "how to prevent AIDS"
In today's world, A illion ore are infeted Worldwide, forty illion, sixty illion, or a hundred illion infetions will be ounted in the oin few years. This is not a distant threat. It is a present daner. The rate of infetion is inreasin fastest aon woen and hildren. Larely unknown a deade ao, AIDS is the third leadin killin of youn adult today.
ost of you ay think that AIDS doesn't affet you. But if you do not know soeone infeted with HIV, hanes are that you will soon et AIDS. Aids an affeted anyone: ale or feale, arried or sinle, youn or old, rih or poor, in any ounity in the ountry, inludin saller ities and towns. This akes AIDS a proble for all of us.
To prevent the spread of AIDS, you first priority should be proteted fro HIV infetions. Understandin the disease, learn and pratie the safer behaviors, this will help you to lead a healthy life.
So what you an do now
1. First, Learn basi fats how you an and an not beoe infeted with HIV.
HIV an be transitted in three ain ways: sexual transission: transission throuh blood: and other to hild transission. These three routes of transission work in tande to affet seents of the population. Knowin the fats an help you protet yourself and redue fears about ontratin HIV throuh usual ontat.
2. Seond, Assess your personal risk for HIV infetion. Evaluate any urrent and past sexual and dru- usin behaviors. orret use quality ondo not only ay the ontraeption, but ay also redue the infetion AIDS. Eah tie the sexual interourse should the entire journey use.
3. Be ware of the risks of sharin needles and other dru equipent. If you use drus, eoll in the treatent prora. Try to quit, If you annot stop riht away, do not share needles or syrines with anyone.
Yes, AIDS is still inurable, but it no loner has to be a death sentene. I hope everyone learn ore about AIDS, Let's iaine a eneration that will be free of AIDS.
Thank you!