






实际上不同的考试使用相同或者相似的命题,在国外测试中屡见不鲜。托福和雅思,AT 和RE命题很多时候是相同的。可是考试的评分重点有很大的不同。




Part Ⅴ Writin (30 inutes)

Diretions: For this part, you are allowed thirty inutes to write a oposition on the topi Harfulness of Fake oodities. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your oposition on the outline (iven in hinese) below:

1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake oodities)。为什么会有这种现象?

2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

Harfulness of Fake oodities


Eah individual enounters suh troubles as sikness and disofort situations in his or her developent. Siilarly, eah soiety is inevitably harfully ipated by ioral or even illeal eonoi ativities in the proess of its evolveent. The ost notorious and harful aon these despiable atives are fake oodities.

Fake oodities, like a virus that intrudes and ripples an oranis, exert alarinly detriental influenes on eah individual onsuer, the ounity, and the soial ores as well.

They diretly hurt the onsuers by providin produts that are pried hihly but inferior in quality. Soeties suh produts as faked ediine or foods an threaten onsuers’ life, needless to ention onsuers’ eonoi loss. The ore fake oodities a soiety has, the ore exaerbated the oral and ethi in that soiety.

What the soiety ust iediately address is to iniie the quantity of any fake oodities and eradiate any opportunity to anufature the. 146 words 注意现在的作文要求字数增加到了200字左右。


1. 类比性思维和写作手法处理抽象复杂的命题

2. 比较结构的句型写作训练

3. 主语从句为代表的复杂句法结构

4. 定语从句的训练

范文二 204单词

Eonoi boo should brin people a ore ofortable and onvenient life. Ironially, the ore oodities available in a soiety whose eonoi fabri is not woven by leal and oral warp and woof , the less and less seurity the averae onsuers an have. In fat, even today the publi is still jeopardied by fake oodities that flood alost eah developin ountry.

Fake oodities diretly har the averae individual onsuers in a series of ways. First they are usually inferior in quality and thus annot eet onsuers’ ends. Take a fake wath as an exaple, it is sold at the sae prie as is the enuine one but seldo an it ive tie preisely. Seondly, they iht threaten onsuers’ health and life in ase of fake foods, ediine, and beveraes. Soe patients are seriously endanered by takin fake ediines. Soe even lose their life iediately after eatin fake soybean saues and vinear. The soiety as a whole is also detrientally infeted by fake oodities as far as the oral and ethi is onerned.

Then, how to address this serious proble? ost vital is to leally penalie those who anufature and trade fake produts. Seond is to eduate people how to tell the fats and fition.




1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake oodities)。为什么会有这种现象?

2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。


> 描述社会上有不少假冒伪劣的商品

> 分析社会现象存在的原因

> 利弊陈述


范文三 (四级)

190 words

The soiety has hundreds and thousands of fake oodities. They are alost everywhere. They are in daily life, hospital, superarkets, and so on.

Why do we have these fake oodities? This question has not only attrated the interests fro the sientists but also fro the eneral publi. enerally three reasons have been iven to explain this phenoenon. First of all, fake oodities are usually profitable. They are lower in ost and of ourse, in quality, but are hih in prie. Seondly, the soiety often finds it hard to help onsuers to tell fake ones fro the enuine oods. Third, leal restritions aainst fake oodities are not work at all or work with lower effiieny.

Fake oodities do har to the huan life. They an daae the life or ruin one’s happiness, dependin on what kind of fake oodities onsuers have bouht. They an also daae the soiety as a whole if the fake oodities are not restrited by overnents or other aenies. Fake ediines are a typial exaple. Today, even in the field of aadei, fake papers are not unoon. All these fake oodities exert neative ipats on huan iviliation.

范文四 (六级): 2 words

Fake oodities see to flood into eah orner of daily life. Worse they even strea into aadei institutions evidened by the fat that soe professors plaiarie papers. We have fake lothes with brand nae. We have fake ediines whih are openly sold in hospitals. We also have soe fake oputers and TV sets. In one word, fake oodities are alost everywhere.

Then we naturally ask: Why do fake oodities flow into the superarkets? The flood is so overwhelin that both the soioloists and the eneral publi have to di the root reasons. n the basis of sientifi researh and survey, sholars disover that aon the diverse array of ontributin fators, the ajor one is that the soiety in whih the fake oodities are floodin is usually short of an effetive leal syste to ontrol or uide the arkets. Another reason, siilarly vital, states that the soial and eonoi order is aintained by, to a onsiderable extent, ethi and oral. But the oral and value syste beoes fraile when subjet to a arket harateried and doinated by the old ash. Eonoi odels have been put forward to provide theories to aount fro why fake oodities an neative influene a soiety to suh an extent. f ourses any other reasons also play their roles.

The harful ipats exerted by fake oodities on the soial and eonoi developent an be alarinly destrutive. Not only an they diretly har the onsuers’ benefits and rihts but also they ollapse a iviliation provided that the overnent has no effetive easures to address this proble.















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