How to arrane tie? This issue splits ollee students apart. Soe individuals' shedules are paked with various tasks related to study. They ierse theselves in books and don't do reular physial exerise. But ost of the ollee students support the value of physial exertion.
To develop or aintain physial fitness and overall health, we ust involve in reular sports pratie. hen Jinrun, a atheatis towerin fiure, planted hiself in oplex questions without physial exerise. His preature death hihlihted the sinifiant health benefits fro sports.
Historially, physial ativity has been assoiated with health. Today, siene has onfired the link, with overwhelin evidene that people who lead ative lifestyles are less likely to die early, or to experiene ajor illnesses suh as heart disease, diabetes and aners. A vast ajority of ollee students do not eet reoended levels of oderate physial ativity. Just do it! Let's partiipate in ore physial exerise.
Physial fitness is today's hot topi. And everywhere you turn you hear soethin new. But is it all true?
The ore you sweat, the ore fat you burn .
This yth has enouraed people to work out in extree heat or wear layers of lothes or rubber or plasti weiht-loss suits in the hope of sweatin fat off. Unfortunately, it's water they're losin, not fat.
Fat burns when it is used as a fuel soure for exerise, whih doesn't happen initially. When you first bein to exerise, you burn arbohydrates or suars. It takes about 20 inutes of easy to oderate aerobi ativity before the transition fro burnin suars to fat beins. (Aerobi exerise is any rhythi and ontinuous ativity that uses oxyen and lare usle asses of the body, suh as the ars and les. Exaples are biyle ridin, jupin rope, walkin, join, aerobi dane, and swiin.) So, to burn the flab, plan on workin out at least 40 inutes.
If you stop workin out, your usles will turn to fat.
If you derease your ativity and ontinue to eat the sae or ore, you ay ain bak that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose. It's not, however, beause your usles turned to fat.