







We live in a fast-paed, inreasinly tedious soiety, workin everyday, daily life. ff work, in order to relax the ood, in order to alleviate the pressure, often want to bubble, alohol and tobao, or all niht to lai on the hair to be a professional net wor, or lookin for the feet to o to the reat Wall of build by layin briks or stones...

How lon, but found that y spirit is ettin worse and worse. The physial strenth is ettin worse and worse. The body is ettin worse and worse, and the fat is onstantly spreadin; The skin is ettin worse and worse. It looks dull and pale. The body is ettin worse and worse, and all kinds of probles are pourin in...

So there is a ure, beauty, weiht loss, ediine...

Soe businesses also see the opportunity, use the tehniques of tenderloin is bi, but as a result, any people are often struled in vain, beause those are the way take teporary solution not effet a peranent ure, not fundaentally iprove the huan body. In fat, the keys to health and beauty are in our hands - that's fitness. The benefits that fitness an brin to us:

A, iprove body shape: fitness ost basi funtion is to hane shape, throuh exerise an ake any part of the body (as lon as it is the part of the usle tissue) inrease/derease and effetively hane their shape, to for a beautiful effet, and this proess an be ontrolled.

Health benefits: fitness of the huan body usle, bone and blood irulation syste, respiratory syste, endorine eoetri averae oveent have stroner stiulation, to iprove the health of huan body ore effetive.

3. Delayin senesene: by exerisin, you an ake your horone serete at a hiher level, so as to delay the effets of ain. Those who keep exerisin are soe en in their 60s who an aintain ood sexual funtion and enery. Soe woen reah the skin of the whole body in their fifties, the whole body without a bit of proud flesh, everywhere exudes youth.

Enereti: with a stron body, the whole person beoes enereti and an have the best ental state any tie.

Five, full of onfidene: the key is a lot of people don't know the fitness of a person's psyholoial fae have how old influene, when you after fitness exerise, you will feel there is a power, a onfident, alost an let have you deal with all thins, the feelin of ability to hallene everythin. ther people's eyes an also ake you feel passionate and do thins ore enthusiastially.


There is a sayin that never too old to learn and, siilarly, I want to say that never too old to do exerises. Doin exerises is really neessary for everyone and we’d better take soe tie to do exerises every day.

eneral speakin, doin exerises appropriately every day is definitely ood for our health. For one thin, doin exerises properly is a ood way to buildin our body and aelerate our blood irulation. For exaple, to do sit-up every day an pratie our waist. For another, doin exerises is also a ood ethod to keep our ind healthy beause doin exerises an broaden our ind and release our stress to a lare extent. For exaple, we would feel better if we do soe exerises after workin for a lon tie.

In addition, doin exerises an ake our ind be ore ative. That is why so any people hoose to do exerises when they annot oe up with new ideas.

All in all, doin exerises is absolute neessary. If you say that you are too busy to run, to take soe deep breath or expand your hest every day would be better than do nothin.






























