any people an't think of exerise. In fat, the wron type of exerise an be harful to the body as well as the body, and few people know it, and few people really want to avoid it. Nowadays youn people like to o to the y, but there are also soe typial istakes. Here's a look.
If you like to o to the y and you do it in this way, you ust pay attention to the adjustent, or you will lose your health in the lon run.
yth 1: streth your bak
This is the ost oon y workouts, but ust know that this way of otion is only suitable for those who shoulder joint is ore flexible, and is a professional sport knowlede, only they will be doin reular this oveent.
So if you're not a professional personae, had better not do strethin bak for a lon tie, ay ause iproper tensile shoulder usle strain, tensile bea often enounter nek virtually will daae of ervial vertebra, and tie is lon, the whole spine will therefore deforation.
Fitness exerise yth 2: bak weihts
Weihtliftin professionals like strethin bak to bak or shoulder joints, flexible, it is best not to ordinary people in the sport for a lon tie, it will strain shoulder usles, ausin bak injury, also an ause spinal disease.
Exerise yth # 3: kik weihts
This is the ost oon exerise in the y, and there are also failities in soe residential buildins. What it does is it pushes a heavy instruent up fro a lyin position, and then bak in plae, and so on.
The biest yth about ost of this exerise is that you don't know that if you take bak the le less than 90 derees, you're oin to have an injury to the knee joint. If you really want to use this exerise to exerise your le usles, you will need to adjust the Anle of the relinin hair on your bak.
yth 4: treadills
any people o to fitness enters and they love runnin ahines, even at hoe. Soe people on the treadill exerise like the hest diretly on the ahine, rip the handrail or use the elbow to resist devies, this ethod is very wron, it will daae the joints, spine, and any other parts, so when usin the treadill, had better use hand handle, tall, eyes straiht ahead, with rhyth, the exerise and not too fast.
Fitness exerise yth : loal weiht loss
f soe body parts appear to be too bi, so want to throuh the otion to redue fat a loal parts, suh as a lot of people are deliberately to ut thihs, abdoen, ars proud flesh, in order to ahieve a oal at the tie and oney to the y to exerise sweatin, but to little effet.
Beause with partial weiht loss for the purpose of sports is not suitable in the y, the y equipent an help build usle, in fat the situation is likely to lose weiht is ounterprodutive, beause the equipent and the sports eet will be loalied fat sa sa proud flesh into a usle ass, ore stron and outstandin. So loal weiht loss is best not to blindly use y equipent, espeially irls who don't want a usle on their body.
It ay be diffiult for soe people to press their les, but they an't keep it down. The perseverin people are under pressure, but they often don't do the riht thin. So how to press the le, how to be the orret le pressure ethod, the followin with the sall ake up to understand the orret le le ethod!
The le is a kind of otion that is not very hih for the site requireent, as lon as there is the plae of liftin the le, the railin, even the steps, the le to the top of the lap, an bein the le to pratie.
When we first bean to press our les, we should not be too hih, and the Anle between the les should be suitable, and it would be easy to pull on the hih rail. The les an not only shape the les, but also help open the liaents of those who learn to dane. Do you know the riht way to et your les riht?
The orret way of pressin the le
1. Is le press
Before the objet of hih prepare le press, stand up, put your feet toether, put the heels on the ribs, lift left le up on tiptoe, tiht ankle flexion, both hands on the left le knee, feet a riht Anle, are straiht, and a waist, at the sae tie an also bein to bend, vibration do le press downward oveent forward, in turn with the elbow, forehead, and even lower jaw to ontat tiptoe, aordin to oneself irustane to do, annot be fored.
2. After the le press
The body's bak to support, les eret, toes outward, with a hand to support the bak table; Stand on your left le, lift your riht le bak, and put it on the bak of the table. The bak of your foot is straiht and your knees annot bend. Straihten your waist and then push bak. Feel the usles strethin to the waist and the front of the thih. The left and riht les alternate, helpin to exerise the hips, waist and nek.
3. The side le press
Body side of rib support, suh as wood of riht le support, toes slihtly outward, raised his left le is raised, the heel on the ribs, tiptoe evoked, ankle flexion, lift on his riht ar, to streth, bak riht pal on left hest, les to shoulder after Fan hen pressure, until the tiptoe an aess to the bak of the head, also, your feet, waist are straiht, to effetively exerise the waist and hips.
The orret way to press the le: side le
Studies have shown that jupin rope non-stop for 10 inutes is like join for 30 inutes. At the sae tie jup rope has ertain exerise effet to the heart and lun syste. Jupin rope is a low ost, hih-enery sport. However, when you start to pratie jupin rope, you iht as well take a short break, but you ay not take too lon to break it, or it will affet your workout. Keep exerisin for a lon tie and your les will tihten.
Squattin is also ood for lean les, the lower squattin an fous on the lateral and edial usles of the les, and the of the pear shape needs ore pratie to squat. You an also wath TV or read a book to divert your attention when you are doin squats, whih will not only ake the exerise easier, but also save tie. Squat for 20 to 30 inutes, and that will work. The lower squattin has hih requireent for knee joint, the of related setion injury should deliberate pratie.
The siple way to thin les
1. Standin lean les
Stand on your feet first, then raise your heels. Then bend your les, but keep your upper body perpendiular to your heel. Stand with your feet apart, then bend your knees and lean forward.
Your hips are up, but your bak ust be straiht. Stand with your pals aainst the wall, your feet lose toether. ne le is raised bak, tryin to touh the hips.
We are in the exerise, often lak the orret sientifi uidane, auses the fitness to have no effet, the effet rebound and so on the situation, below I oe to talk about the top five istakes.
yth: strethin prevents sports injuries
Interpretation: all exerises need to war up, as well as raps. usles an also be daaed when the usles are ooled.
yth 2: exerise is divided into aerobi and anaerobi
Read: exerise to pay attention to five aspets, speed + staina + strenth + aility + flexibility. Aerobi exerise alone will not ahieve health effets.
yth 3: abdoinal usles redue belly fat
Read: abdoinal exerises an be redued, the ost iportant is reasonable diet and sientifi exerise.
yth 4: eatin ore protein and arbs will boost your usles
Interpretation: both protein and arbohydrates an provide enery for exerise, but ost diets ontain these thins, without havin to add the.
yth : Nopain, Noain
Interpretation: pain akes no sense, pain akes no sense, exerise results should be appropriate, it is ahe, not pain.
Strenth exerises are only for en
ne upon a tie, woen thouht that the only way to lose weiht was to ontrol the diet. Thankfully, we now know that ettin your body to build beautiful usles an atually help boost your etabolis and help you lose weiht and body. In addition, stron usles help prevent osteoporosis, avoid personal injury, and help aintain ood health.
Pratie akes perfet
any people are used to findin a fitness prora they like and stik to it. In fat, exerise is also a wonderful thin, and you're so failiar with the sport that it's easy to be perfet, whih eans you're oin to lose alories. What's ore, it will hane your ental state and physial feelin when you exerise.
Althouh we don't need to stop doin sports, we an find a few sports that we iht like, and don't keep our bodies ofortable. There are several sports and often swappin out the inertia of the body. You will find ore love sports and enjoy different sports.
onlusion: throuh the above artile do we have a ertain knowlede of the pitfalls of fitness, fitness there are a lot of isunderstandin, so if we an't be very ood deal with ay ause a lot of daae to our health, above these isoneptions you all understand?
Read on: exessive weiht loss seriously hared the oveent or paralysis aused by runnin the ethod of thin le hair exerises solutions to private parts of sedentary ahe hyperkinesia inredibly have har of these oon fitness isunderstandin you