We live in a tehnoloy era, the network has radually replaed the telephone and television, brouht a lot of onveniene to our lives, has beoe an indispensable part of our life. However, with the developent of network tehnoloy, the network appliation beoes ore and ore popular and the rie base on the network also oe radually.
The proportion of opanies’ oputer seurity violated is 0%.In 199,our ountry the publi seurity raked haker ase nearly 100,the purpose for eonoy of oputer rie aounted for 70%.The yber rie an ake a business failure, leakae personal privay, or the paralysis of a national eonoi, this is not alarist. Thus the network seurity beoes ore and ore iportant. There are various reasons of yber rie.First,the oputer user's seurity awareness. any oputers do not install antivirus software and firewall, or an not uarantee the antivirus software updated daily, whih ive the oputer riinals an opportunity. Seond,for illeal oney online.
The ipleentation of network ries is various, but fro the quantitative analysis,for oney, ain on the ajority. Third, the diffiulties to et the evidene.The liited evidene of network rie left ost also only have eletroaneti reords, but there is no finerprint or DNA evidene, but suh evidene is also very easy to destroy. Fourth,the rakdown is not reat on the oputer in ajority of ountries. The laws of ost ountries do not ake efforts on the prevention and ontrol of network ries,and the law is not suffiient to onstitute a real threat to the Internet rie.
In y opinion, the prevention of yber rie we should first of all fro the establishent of a sound outlook on life and values in the daily life, but not his.The network will oupy an inreasinly iportant position in our future life, we should use the knowlede learnin in shool and life experiene, to prevent and avoid bein deeived. Auulatin enouh Internet experiene and prevention awareness of yber rie, fully protet ourselves, away fro the infrineent of network rie.
The head teaher told e to brin the paper bak to shool beause of other's day.
Yes, it was y birthday that reinded e of the oin of other's day. Reeber last year's birthday on other's day. other's day is oin, too.
If we do ore than we do, it akes no sense to us if we are asked to do it.
y other has reeived y ard, whih is a lot! ARDS are sent every year fro kinderarten throuh third rade. This for sees to have been fixed. other's day, in fat, to y other and I see to have lost its eanin, as usual, I said I love you, has lost its oriinal exited, reeber the third rade other reetin ARDS, with y only inside poket oney - $20. It's four five dollars. We were playin in bed. Also learly reeber that day, I' just sik to o to a dotor, is a private lini, and the son told his father that day is other's day, his father said, that have to tell his other say soethin.
n the way hoe, aa said, her blessin? Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise y other and I would be ebarrassed.
other's day last year, was also sent other reetin ard, tell her I love her, reeber oneself is said: "I know you love e, I love you just love e a few inutes I will love you with you a few inutes." It was just that the whole thin was so borin that it didn't ean a lot of years, so that's it. other seriously read e, but later, I found that she didn't ive away the ARDS, inludin the Thanksivin Day later, paperboard, suh as the international workin woen's day, o is no loner olletion.
At that tie, I was a little disappointed, just to say, is there a thin to do that akes no sense?
The ountry is stron, and the peae and prosperity of the people is the drea of every hinese people.
A hild, every tie I turn on the TV, all the hannel iediately transferred to the hildren hannel. At that tie, the ind of hina no onept, only know the ourd doll, blak at sheriff, the bulk of the son of hina's artoon.
Later, after rowin up a little, I bean to see soe ovies, TV series, the fil y favorite is Jakie han, Jet Li, and Stephen how's. There are TV series, then I saw a fil alled "soldier han a", that ipression is very deep. Throuh soe fil and television shows I understand soe of the history of hina: the piu War, the Japanese invasion of hina ... ... y onept of hina has beoe a weekly fla, hest red sarf, hairan ao on the yuan. I have a drea, hope the yuan to beoe the world's ost valuable urreny, so I an buy a lot of thins.
As the ae rows, the job inreases. I wath TV tie is less and less, eat dinner to see "news network", usually wath the ovie on weekends. At that tie I felt very strane, I kept the hannel an also read the "news network", the beinnin I a not interested in the news, but over tie, I an see into, and radually developed a news Habits, usually see the newspaper.
I learned a lot fro the news, but also know that hina is now under pressure, Xinjian, Tibet, those reationaries, Southeast Asian ountries on hina's territory violations, there are soe orrupt ah. I drea of hina to reover Taiwan, to aintain territorial interity, to all-round reoval of national borers.
Different people, different aes, have different hinese dreas. But the drea of 1.3 billion people toether, is a powerful fore; of ourse, there is not enouh liht drea, but also with ation to ahieve their dreas, to ahieve our national prosperity,