y other is an ordinary teaher. She always puts her students before everythin. She is nothin different fro other people at the first siht. But later you will find that she is so responsible. In y ind, she is very reat.
n weekends, she always prepare the lass at hoe. Soeties she even ask the students to oe to our house for reediation for free. All her students like her. Soeties I alost envy her students. Lukily, y other also very are about e. she puts all her tie on our faily and her students, leavin nothin for herself. She is so reat, and I proud of her; and I love her.
There is a person who is very iportant in our life, who is that person? She is our other.
The other day, our shool invited a faous an, a youn speaker alled Yan Qinson, who ave us a speeh on other’s love. I still reeber the sene where any students were ipressed by his words and a nuber of students were listenin arefully with tears down their faes.
I was also strit by his wonderful speeh, whih reinded e of y hildhood. As a hild, when I felt down, it seeed that the world was dark and epty. Then it was y other who heered e up and ade the world suddenly briht and olorful; when I lost y way, y other held y hand and told e that everythin was oin to be k. Beause of her, I a always feelin happy and onfident!
I owe y thanks for y other, Not only does she ive e the reatest love in the world, but she also leads e down the road to suess!
I have a funny other. Beause of this, y harater is very heerful, who all y other ave e so uh huor ells.
y other has 1.6 eters, show a lon body, beause I ave birth to, stoah is a little bi. Father soeties joke she, she is not anry. She said: "like a panda. Is not very ood!" . y other fro used a little osetis, soeties with y "Johnson's baby lotion", I asked her, she always said: "you see o skin ore ood, beause I a a little baby!"
y other in this way, ore ridiulous is 3 years ao... .
That day, I rode y stroller and other went for a walk in the street arden. Suddenly, the other thouht of soeone alled her to hat. Alost iediately, y other sent e to o hoe, on the ar. The ation a shake a put. Listen to y other, on the day of the street to look her, wathin and lauhin. o is very ebarrassed.
n one oasion, urtain hooks off a few in the hoe, does not open. Daddy loves hiself, as a result, one day I failed, so anry. Want to ake y dad lauh y other, and hidin behind the urtain "heep" 1, pull open urtain, stepped forward with a sile, with hand held up a wooden as a "reeiver", san sons, affetionately sin, she waved and said, "ood-bye, y faithful fans!" y father and I "lindsey poof" siled, ore sile ore happy, sile beae "ha ha ha ha ha!" . How ake of, dad siled, too? The oriinal other's son, and drew the urtains. So, y father bean to install the urtain hook with a sile.
Hey! other, do you really ood. You are our "happy fruit", a "happy" a forever forever happy happy other! o, I love you.
y other is very sli fiure, with urved, short blak hair, straiht nose, Lauh when you turn orners, like the oon hans in the outh, diples on both sides. y o likes readin, like read online news, readin newspapers and aaines.
She and I will share the knowlede and inforation, she knew, she also enouraed e to read ore books. y other likes field. She thinks field walkin an breathe fresh air and exerise is ood for your health. y other likes ookin. She often ive I do Fried rie and pasta, she still doin all sorts of fillin the duplins. We all like to eat.
y o loves e. When I was youn, before you o to bed every niht o ave e read the story. When I was ill, she worried, feed e to take ediine, aopany e. When I a sad, anxiety, fear, other in y side to ofort e. To partiipate in various ativities, also, o. I drive pik-up Whenever I was tired walkin field, will lie in other's lap. I love y other.