






As early as 2,00 years ao, about the Sprin and Autun Period (770-476 B), hina had deterined the point of Winter Solstie by observin oveents of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The tie will be eah Deeber 22 or 23 aordin to the reorian alendar.

The Northern heisphere on this day experienes the shortest daytie and lonest nihttie. After the Winter Solstie, days will beoe loner and loner. As anient hinese thouht, the yan, or usular, positive thins will beoe stroner and stroner after this day, so it should be elebrated.

The Winter Solstie beae a festival durin the Han Dynasty (206 B-220 AD) and thrived in the Tan and Son dynasties (61-1279). The Han people rearded Winter Solstie as a "Winter Festival", so offiials would oranie elebratin ativities. n this day, both offiials and oon people would have a rest. The ary was stationed in, frontier fortresses losed and business and travelin stopped. Relatives and friends presented to eah other deliious food. In the Tan and Son dynasties, the Winter Solstie was a day to offer sarifies to Heaven and anestors. Eperors would o to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while oon people offered sarifies to their deeased parents or other relatives. The Qin Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the reord that "Winter Solstie is as foral as the Sprin Festival," showin the reat iportane attahed to this day.

In soe parts of Northern hina, people eat duplin soup on this day; while residents of soe other plaes eat duplins, sayin doin so will keep the fro frost in the upoin winter. But in parts of South hina, the whole faily will et toether to have a eal ade of red-bean and lutinous rie to drive away hosts and other evil thins. In other plaes, people also eat tanyuan, a kind of stuffed sall duplin ball ade of lutinous rie flour. The Winter Solstie rie duplins ould be used as sarifies to anestors, or ifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the usto of offerin nine-layer akes to their anestors.

They ake akes in the shape of hiken, duk, tortoise, pi, ow or sheep with lutinous rie flour and stea the on different layers of a pot. These anials all sinify auspiiousness in hinese tradition. People of the sae surnae or faily lan ather at their anestral teples to worship their anestors in ae order. After the sarifiial ereony, there is always a rand banquet.


n Deeber 22, 2013, the day is the Winter Solstie, it is an iportant day in hina, it beoes a tradition. ore than 200years ao, hinese people had deteted this day by easurin the sun. What is speial on the day? The answer is that the daytie lasts the shortest while the niht lasts the lonest of the year. It eans the new round of the solar ter, the Winter Solstie is the earliest.

As an old tradition, people treat that day a rand day, they elebrate it. In the north, ost people eat duplins, while in the south, people have rie duplin and boiled duplin. Thouh people elebrate in a different way, they share the sae happiness, faily et toether and have a bi dinner. Winter Solstie ives faily a hane to et reunion, the youn oe hoe to have a hat with parents and proote their ouniation.


Winter solstie is a very iportant solar ter in hinese Lunar alendar.

Bein a traditional holiday as well, it is still now elebrated quite often in any reions. Early durin the Sprin and Autun period, 200 odd years fro now, Winter solstiewas first deterined as the hinese traditional solar ter aon the total 24 ters. In reorian alendar, it is around De 22nd or 23rd.

idwinter day is the very day in North heisphere with the shortest day and lonest niht year-round. After it, daytie will beoe inreasinly loner and the oldest lie will invade all the plaes on the Northern part of the lobe. We hinese always all it "JinJiu", whih eans one Winter solstie oes, we will eet the oldest tie ahead.

That onlusion is proved well founded. Aordin to sientifi results, on Winter solstie, a riht anle is fored by the sun and the tropi of arpriorn. Thus, the North heisphere reeives the least sunliht and the shortest day and lonest niht our.

Anient hina did pay reat attention to this holiday, reardin it as a bi event. There was the sayin that "Winter solstie holiday is reater than the sprin festival". Nowadays, any reions still elebrate it as a bi holiday. Northerners ay have duplins and raviolis that day while southerners ay have duplins ade by rie and lon noodles. Soe plaes even have the tradition to offer sarifies to the heaven and earth.


n Deeber , 3, the day is the Winter Solstie, it is an iportant day in hina, it beoes a tradition. ore than 00years ao, hinese people had deteted this day by easurin the sun. What is speial on the day? The answer is that the daytie lasts the shortest while the niht lasts the lonest of the year. It eans the new round of the solar ter, the Winter Solstie is the earliest.

As an old tradition, people treat that day a rand day, they elebrate it. In the north, ost people eat duplins, while in the south, people have rie duplin and boiled duplin. Thouh people elebrate in a different way, they share the sae happiness, faily et toether and have a bi dinner. Winter Solstie ives faily a hane to et reunion, the youn oe hoe to have a hat with parents and proote their ouniation.




二十四节冬至谚语签名 2020冬至快乐祝福语签名


二十四节冬至谚语签名 2020冬至快乐祝福语签名
























