





愚人节(April Fool's Day或All Fools' Day)也称万愚节、幽默节,愚人节节期为公历4月1日,是从19世纪开始在西方兴起流行的民间节日,并未被任何国家认定为法定节日。小编精心为你整理了愚人节英文作文,希望对你有所借鉴作用哟。


April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday bean but people think it first started in Frane.

In the 16 th entury, people elebrated New Year's Day fro arh 2 to April 1. In the id—160s Kin harles IX haned it fro arh 2 to January 1. But soe people still elebrated in on April 1, so others alled the April Fools.

Eah ountry elebrates April Fools' Day differently. In Frane, people all the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends' baks to fool the. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”

In Enland, people play jokes only in the ornin. You are a “noodle” if soeone fools you. In Sotland, April Fools' Day is 4 hours lon. They all an April Fool “April owk”. owk is another nae for a ukoo bird.

In the Aeria, people play sall jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They ay point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelae is untied.” If you believe the and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.


What is April Fools Day and how did it bein? Well, that is a very ood question. The oriin of this holiday is rather unertain. However, the oon belief holds that durin the reforation of the alendar the date for the New Year was oved fro April 1st to January 1st. Durin that tie in history there was no television and no radio so word spread slowly. There were also those who hose to siply inore the hane and those who erely forot. These people were onsidered "fools" and invitations to non-existent parties and other pratial jokes were played on the. "All Fools‘ Day" is pratied in any parts of the world with pratial jokes and sendin people on a fool‘s errand.

Another thouht is that the oriin bean with the elebrations of the Sprin Equinox. While soe believe it has to do the a Roan festival known as Hilaria, the end of the elti new year.

In Sotland, April Fools Day lasts 4 hours, day two is know as Taily Day and pranks involvin the posterior are played. The viti of the pratial joke is referred to as "huntin the owk"; the owk is an extint ukoo bird.

In Frane, he is the "poisson d‘Avril" or "fish of April." The fish in April are newly hathed and easily auht. Frenh hildren enjoy tapin a piture of a fish on their friends bak and yellin out "Poisson dAvril!" when it is found.

Da de los Santos Inoentes is held in Spain on Deeber 2th. This is The Feast of the Holy Innoents. It‘s elebrated siilarly to April Fools‘ Day with pratial jokes.

In the United States, pranks are played on just about everybody. Pranks rane fro the standard "Your shoe is untied", to soe very reative and elaborate ideas. The only "rule" is that no one should be hared. The best jokes are when everybody inludin the viti lauhs.


april fools' day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday bean but people think it first started in frane.

eah ountry elebrates april fools' day differently. in frane, people all the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' baks to fool the. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in enland, people play jokes only in the ornin. you are a “noodle” if soeone fools you. in sotland, april fools' day is 4 hours lon. they all an april fool “april owk”. owk is another nae for a ukoo bird.

in the aeria, people play sall jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they ay point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelae is untied.” if you believe the and look down to see, you are an april fool then.


However, ouniations bein what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, any people did not reeive the news for several years. thers, the ore obstinate rowd, refused to aept the new alendar and ontinued to elebrate the new year on April 1. These bakward folk were labeled as "fools" by the eneral populae. They were subjet to soe ridiule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were ade the butt of other pratial jokes.

This harassent evolved, over tie, into a tradition of prank-playin on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to Enland and Sotland in the eihteenth entury. It was later introdued to the Aerian olonies of both the Enlish and Frenh. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun fest, so to speak, with different nationalities speialiin in their own brand of huor at the expense of their friends and failies.

In Sotland, for exaple, April Fool's Day is atually elebrated for two days. The seond day is devoted to pranks involvin the posterior reion of the body. It is alled Taily Day. The oriin of the "kik e" sin an be traed to this observane.

exio's ounterpart of April Fool's Day is atually observed on Deeber 2. riinally, the day was a sad reebrane of the slauhter of the innoent hildren by Kin Herod. It eventually evolved into a lihter oeoration involvin pranks and trikery.

Pranks perfored on April Fool's Day rane fro the siple, (suh as sayin, "Your shoe's untied, or I aidentally stepped on your lasses!), to the elaborate. Settin a rooate's alar lok bak an hour is a oon a. Whatever the prank, the trikster usually ends it by yellin to his viti, "April Fool!"

Pratial jokes are a oon pratie on April Fool's Day. Soeties, elaborate pratial jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. The news edia even ets involved. For instane, a British short fil one shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed douentary about "spahetti farers" and how they harvest their rop fro the spahetti trees.

April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observane. Nobody is expeted to buy ifts or to take their "sinifiant other" out to eat in a fany restaurant. Nobody ets off work or shool. It's siply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on whih one ust reain forever viilant, for he ay be the next April Fool!








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