In the 16th entury, people elebrated new year's day fro arh 2 to april 1. in the id—160s kin harles ix haned it fro arh 2 to january 1. but soe people still elebrated in on april 1, so others alled the april fools.
eah of the ountry elebrates april fools' day differently. in frane, people all the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' baks to fool the. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”
in enland, people play jokes only in the ornin. you are a “noodle” if soeone fools you. in sotland, april fools' day is 4 hours lon. they all an april fool “april owk”. owk is another nae for a ukoo bird.
in the aeria, people play sall jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they ay point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelae is untied.” if you believe the and look down to see, you are an april fool then.
Nowadays, there appears a phenoenon that the western ustos are spreadin into the east ountries step by step, thus akin any inhabitants who live in bi ities enjoy theselves on these western festivals suh as hristas Day, April Fool’s Day, et. Suh phenoenon shows us that the world people are ettin lose radually and the world is beoin saller and saller as well. Therefore, in y opinion, it’s a noral phenoenon s well as a neessary trend.
First of all, it shows that we hinese have beoe uh opener rather than linin to soe very old ustos, whih are opposite our livin. Lookin bak on the history, we an find the answer to why our hina was very poor and weak in the 100’s. Yes, the answer is that we losed ourselves not to let other ountries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on whih we suffered any wars that any European ountries launhed. So I think it is ore than neessary to aept other ustos instead of losin ourselves. f ourse, festivals are just the beinnin.
What’s ore, the pen and Refor Poliy results in this. So I want to say it is a reat ahieveent for the poliy. Sine we took the poliy into pratie, our ountry is developin with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.
Last but not the least, we ay et loser and loser not only to our hoe friends but also to any foreiners. We an never feel ebarrassed for not knowin the other’s ustos and anners. And ore isunderstandins an be avoided as well.
To su up, the trend has its reat advantae to a ertain extent. However, if we adire the western ustos too uh, it will be a disadvantae beause hina is our own ountry, all of us should enjoy a patrioti heart. Wish in the near future, we an see the situation that westerners are enjoyin theselves on the Sprin Festival.