arh 12th is Tree Plantin Day. This year our shool bouht enouh trees before that day . n that day , we didn't had lasses . The teahers and our lassates planted trees around our shool.
We bean to planted trees as soon as we ot to shool . soe students du the holes . Soe students put the trees into the holes.
Soe students put the earth bak to the holes. Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet . At last we watered the trees as uh as possible.
Fro then on we looked after the trees arefully and the trees rew very well . It ade our shool ore beautiful .And How happy we are !
n Arbor Day, partiular attention is drawn to the part trees play in our lives. It's not just a day to plant trees and then foret the esture for another twelve onths. Plantin a tree one day is no redit to us if, durin the rest of the year, we nelet to are for it and those already rowin. ur thouht on Arbor Day should be an expression of endurin feelin, thouht and ation and not just one sinle, isolated flae of interest.
In shools and other ounity roups, this day an be elebrated in any different ways.
·By plantin trees or shrubs in shool rounds, alon neihbourin streets or in ivi parks.
·By 'adoptin' a path of bush, with the landowner's onsent, and arin for it by reoval of weeds, rubbish, et, by preparin firebreaks and by fenin and akin paths to redue traplin.
·By presentin a play or ie about trees in the history of Australia.
·As a lass ativity or oon interest roup o on a visit to a bush area with a spokesperson to explain the harateristis of plant speies and their nihe in the natural environent.
·ollet soe tree seeds, erinate the in a lassroo, and plant out the seedlin.
·arry out identifiation of trees in a speifi part of your shool or neihbourhood. A tree labellin ereony ould also be arraned.
·opile a list of everyday objets that are ade of wood or wood-based aterials, and find out how the wood was proessed, where it ae fro and whatever else you an.
Trees and shrubs, whether native or introdued to WA, provide opportunities for the interest and study by the whole ounity, and when we walk around our own neihbourhood or drive throuh the ountryside, we an appreiate the iportane of suh a diversity of plants to the well bein of huanity.
In any ountries it has lon been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The oriin of suh elebrations dates bak to antiquity and is in the dawn of reliious feelin and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is oonly known today, is of Aerian oriin and evolved fro onditions peuliar to the reat Plains. It was first observed in Nebraska in 172.
The idea, oneived by J.S. orton, then a eber of the Nebraska State Board of Ariulture, was one of forest onservation. It was a ove to proote replantin, followin deforestation, and to plant up treeless areas.
The idea has spread widely to other lands where it is variously elebrated as the 'Festival of Trees', 'reenin Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-lovin Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yuoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Ieland and 'The National Festival of Tree Plantin' in India.
Arbor Day in its various fors is now reonised in ore than fifty ountries.