Today is New Year's Eve ornin, firerakers soundin snap snap away. As lon as you take a look at the outside, red firerakers everywhere, oe toether to for a Red Sea. The faily have their own hoes oin up in the beautiful, it sees like in the ath. y faily is no exeption, sweepin, lass, abinets, suh as rubbin. Prepare the arrival of the New Year.
Afternoon, we posted in aordane with the usto of the hinese New Year ouplets, father and a ood paste, and then said to e: "I paste you posted, I looked at the hih level you say 'rih', said that if the lower 'risin' ood you ", I asked y father why? Dad said: "The plan is a luky," "h, I understand," We posted on the Alliane are: evil Honfu faily happy is: wan as people to oe into everythin.
End paste New Year, we bean duplins. ood luk to Ti, we are still a duplin in a ba of oins. Dinner, y folder, a Duplin, one to eat, "ouh," the voie of a oin for y whole faily applauded, and say that I a luky this year. After duplins, we saw the hinese New Year Festival, y favorite essay
And "yellow soybeans." Liu Qian first a one-dollar oins into the up, then into the host e rins. "Bean yellow" in a person to "take off louds" that they "Li Xianyun" really funny. No wonder people say: "Sprin Festival Evenin Show" is a ultural feast.
Aainst the sound of the bell, "speakers" sound uns up. People poured out of their hoes. Pat the sound of firerakers reeted the arrival of hinese New Year.
Sprin Festival's Eve is the last niht in the last onth of lunar alendar next to Sprin Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. huxi,the hinese nae of Sprin Festival's Eve,eans the old year past and we will reet the new by the turn of year. Durin all festival,the ativities or elebrations fous on prayin for ood Fortunes and ettin rid of Bad Fortunes.
In anient hina's hou and Qin Dynasty,when it ae to Lunar New Year,Royal Palae would have a ritual naed Danuo,to drive away host and bad luk of illness and disaster,it was also alled "huhu(to drive away)". People alled the day before Sprin Festival's Eve Before-Year's Niht,so the Sprin Festival's Eve onstantly is Year's Niht.
The Sprin Festival's Eve is a ost linered niht. In this war eve,when niht oin,younsters handle a stik of inense(香)to inite(点燃) the firerakers,a hild plus up his ear by one hand and leans to inite the fireworks by another,other hildren over their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy ban ipatiently. Althouh soe senior itiens are old, they still ould reeber what a beautiful sprin festival they had in their hildhood.
To have a faily super,ake sarifie and stay up a whole niht for reetin new year's oin are the ain three ativities in the Sprin Festival Eve.
Just like the hristas Eve to western people, for hinese, the Sprin Festival eve is also a eaninful niht, full of happiness and expetion for the oin up new year.
With the brilliant fireworks liht the sky, the prelude of the festival is startin.No atter how lon and how touh it is, the hinese people truded lon way to bak hoe for the reunion of the faily in the eve. It has been lastin for any years, the Sprin Festival ala on the TV show is the repertoire, entire faily is enjoyin the deliious and abundant dinner and foods and wathin the show toether.
For hinese, every terrible eory and unhappiness will be stopped at this niht, and a splendid next year will also bein at here. Their wishes beoe the blare of the rakers and olorful flash of the firework into the air and spread faraway.For enerations, the Sprin Festival Eve is onsidred as a new start for the future, a wonderful onlusion for passed a year, and niht when everybody is able to open their ind. Fro jooone.o.
With the draati inreasin eonoy, people have less tie to stay with the faily. But in this eve, it ould be a paybak,a opensation, or a opportunity to everybody who wants to share the enjoyent with his or her faily. The relaxin onversation and jokes are around the roos with the war atosphere in the hill winter niht.
There are a lot of traditions of the eve inherited for enerations. But, now ore and ore new fashions introdued into this eve and even replaed the old traditions. ore and ore people are lad to have the dinner in the restaurants instead of ookin and havin at hoe. However, no atter what it is, a harouious and peaeful niht is the favorite of everybody here.