







New Year's Eve is real bu. Failies rush to do New Year's dinner, wine and eat is full of flavor. en and woen are wearin new lothes, the door labeled red ouplets, posted ood house olored paintins. New Year's Eve every faily lihts the niht, and not interittent, firerakers, day and niht without a break. A lot of people outside, unless a last resort, ust et hoe to eat reunion dinner. That niht, in addition to sall hildren, no one sleep, should stay up.First day of New Year's Eve with different irustanes: shop are on the board, set off firerakers last niht piled in front of ardboard, the whole ity was at rest.The en in the ornin to relatives, friends hoe New Year.

Woen at hoe to reeive uests. any teple festivals held outside the ity, outside the teple stall hawkers sellin tea, food and toys. hildren are partiularly fond of visitin the teple, in order to have a hane to look at the senery and wildlife outside, you an ride a donkey, but also buy the toys unique New Year. Horse rain, as well as ael rain in the teple. These aes are not to fiht anyone who first seond, but in front of an audiene for a better attitude and skill skilled perforane horses, aels and the rider.ost shop opened in the sixth onth, but not too busy, the uys in the shop an also turn teah teple, visitin the bride and listen to opera.Lantern listin, the Sprin Festival and a liax to. Fifteenth, everywhere deorated, the whole street like a weddin, prosperous and beautiful. Faous old shop have hun out a few hundred liht years, exinese, is always soe lass, soe invariably horns, and soe are Shaden, soe painted all All "Drea of Red ansions", or "Water arin "story. This year is also a kind of advertisin. Hanin fro a lap, anyone an enter the shop to visit. andle lihts at niht on the id-point, the audiene even ore.Youn hildren to buy all kinds of fireworks set off, if not o to the street nau.


The Sprin Festival, hinese New Year,is the ost iportant festival for all of us. All faily ebers et toether on New Year'Eve to have a bi eal.At the sae tie, everyone elebrates to eah other.At about 12 o'lok,soe parents and hildren liht rakers.The whole sky is lihted brihtly. We ay wath the fireworks exitedly.How busy it is!

n the first early orin of one year, any senior itien et up early and they stik the reversed Fu or han soe ouplets on the front door. Soe house's windows are stiked on red paper utlins.

The hinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So durin the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives fro door to door. At that tie,hildren are the happiest beause they an et any red pakets for their parents,randparents, unles, aunts and so on. The last day of the hinese New Year is another festival. It naes the Lantern Festival.

So the hinese New Year oes to the end.


The hinese harater "fu" (eanin blessin or happiness) is a ust. The harater put on paper an be pasted norally or upside down, for in hinese the "reversed fu" is hoophoni with "fu oes", both bein pronouned as "fudaole." What's ore, two bi red lanterns an be raised on both sides of the front door. Red paper-uttins an be seen on window lass and brihtly olored New Year paintins with auspiious eanins ay be put on the wall.

People attah reat iportane to Sprin Festival Eve. At that tie, all faily ebers eat dinner toether. The eal is ore luxurious than usual. Dishes suh as hiken, fish and bean urd annot be exluded, for in hinese, their pronuniations, respetively "ji", "yu" and "doufu," ean auspiiousness, abundane and rihness. After the dinner, the whole faily will sit toether, hattin and wathin TV. In reent years, the Sprin Festival party broadast on hina entral Television Station (TV) is essential entertainent for the hinese both at hoe and abroad. Aordin to usto, eah faily will stay up to see the New Year in.


n new year‘s eve,our lass had a party. the atosphere was ood. it was out of the ordinary fro the very beinin. the boy student fro one bedroo ave an unusual perforane. we saw a boy naed li xinin turn off all the lihts in a sudden snap. then with three resoundin row of a ok ehoin in the hall,the hall was aain brihtly lit in a snap.

Then,the representative of the bedroo hu uohan asked us to uess a line of a poe related to the above situation. he added that li xinin alone was born in the year of the do and the other three were all born in the year of the hiken. they left us all in onfusion. and it was our onitor who was quikwitted. he shouted our, “the day breaks as the ok rows three ties at dawn.” the hall after that,they had another ite. this tie li xinin was plaed in the iddle of the irle. while he was standin there,the other three stood around hi,eah bowin down to hi at an anle of 120 derees. it was an idio. this tie i ot it riht:“the do stands out aon a roup of hikens.”


I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judin fro y aptitude inlination and personality streaks, y ideal life will be that of a sientist, researhin, leturin, and writin books. As I a fro a farin faily, I partiularly enjoy bein lose to earth. If I an afford to live a pastoral life in the ountryside, I will feel ost blessed. As far as soial life is onerned, sipliity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don‘t need too any friends. All these will be ere talk if I a idle now. To attain y oal, I ust ake a point of trainin y body and ind. This is a hihly opetitive soiety in whih everyone is eaer to oe out on top. That is not only a opetition of physial strenth and ental power, but a arathon of patiene, faith, and perseverane. Life is not all roses, but with what I a bein equipped with by the top teahers in this elite shool, I surely deserve a proisin prospet.


hinese Sprin Festival elebratin the end of winter and the warth of sprin.It bean in the last day of the lunar year,end in the 1th day of lunar New Year,also is the Lantern Festival.Durin the Sprin Festival,people use red lantern and Sprin Festival ouplets deorate a house,put on all kinds of olored lothes,often visit friends and relatives or toether eat duplins,fish,eat and other deliious food.The hildren are lookin forward to reeivin red envelope oney,and toether they play eah other the fireworks,with happy.Street with draon and lion dane and soe other arnival ativities,TV will held the rand Sprin Festival ala.


Far and away the ost iportant holiday in hina is Sprin Festival, also known as the hinese New Year. To the hinese people it is as iportant as hristas to people in the West. The dates for this annual elebration are deterined by the lunar alendar rather than the REorian alendar.

so the tiin of the holiday varies fro late January to early February. To the ordinary hinese, the festival atually beins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first onth of the lunar alendar. But the 1th of the first onth, whih norally is alled the Lantern Festival, eans the offiial end of the Sprin Festival in any parts of the ountry.

Sprin Festival is the ost iportantand popular festival in hina.Before Sprin Festival ,the people usually lean and deorate their houses.And they o to the Flower Fairs to buy soe flowers.Durin Sprin Festival ,the adults usually ive luky oney to hildren.People often et toether and have a bi eal.Soe people eat duplin for dinner.




























