y new years resolution is very very brife.
New Year's Day is one of iportant days for any people in the word durin the year.ost people spend the New Year'sDay in hotels.January 1st is onsidered as the New Year's Day.ost opanies,shops,shool,and overnent offies are losed durin that tie.
People prepare for New Year's Dayfro late Deeber.Firt,people spend a few days to lean their houses opletely.Soe failies then put up soe new paintin fro Noveber to be sent in January.
The New Year's eal is also prepared fro the end of Deeber.Durin the New Year's Day,people usually do not ook and relax at hoe. n New Year's Eve,it is oon to have a ba dinner with faily ebers or friends at hoe or in hotels and hear bells whih infors us of the oin New Year.n New Year's Day,people fiest reet eah other.
Soe people wear new oats and visit teples to pray for happiness and health theouhout the New Year.hildren are busy with ettin the ifts fro their parents and relatives.
I ot up today, and pursued y vovae! Beause, today is a very iportant and eorable day, that is, New Year's day. New Year's day, it represents the beinnin of a New Year, it will take a new fae to reet the New Year's day.
Yesterday, I and any students left to deorate the lassroo. We sweep every orner of the lassroo to lean, then han arland, write on the blakboard the four hinese haraters - happy New Year's day.
New Year's day party bean, soe ai, soe perforane uhen, soeone perforin pipa, she pluk the strins skillfully, sweet usi flowed fro her finertips, fro tie to tie, soeties fast, like a ountain strea, like a Wan Lihuan sounds, I was intoxiated by the beautiful piano. Until the end of the play, I haven't think straiht. Listen to a bi round of applause ran out fro the lassroo.
Show one by one, I see ore dalin. Applause also uneasinly onnetion, they all show is very wonderful.
New Year draws to a lose soon we took two pitures, a boy, a irl, the two pitures do for us eorial in 2020.
Today is New Year's day, or have a history of New Year's day! "Yuan" has the eanin of beinnin, "Dan" refers to the dawn of tie, also refers to the day. "New Year's day" is the first day of the year. To elebrate the start of the New Year, elebrate the New Year's day is around the world the oon ustos. In our ountry, but also on the national holiday, people reet eah other an toether! Held soe ativities to reet the arrival of the New Year.
New Year's day, we went to the luoyan los sea park, althouh the weather is very old, but y ood is still very happy, white loud like blue sky speially natural otton andy sent to us. Behind the sun fro the sky white louds sister, ypress standin body the side of the road, they nod slihtly under the wind blowin.
Enter a ate, the first thin you enounter is the river above the juntion of a thik layer of ie, we walked alon the river for a road, I piked up a hunk of ie into the river to play, to brother lauhed, we an see the juntion tree on shore with a layer of "ie", ay be due to the weather is too old, arden workers poured the water beoes ie at one, at the siht of this, I was reinded of the festival, the variety of lanterns in the olorful lihts set off don't ention how beautiful. Winter is a beautiful season anyway.
A happy oent is always short, near dusk, we finished a day's journey.