







New Year's Day is one of iportant days for any people in the word durin the year.ost people spend the New Year'sDay in hotels.January 1st is onsidered as the New Year's Day.ost opanies,shops,shool,and overnent offies are losed durin that tie.People prepare for New Year's Dayfro late Deeber.

Firt,people spend a few days to lean their houses opletely.Soe failies then put up soe new paintin fro Noveber to be sent in January.The New Year's eal is also prepared fro the end of Deeber.Durin the New Year's Day,people usually do not ook and relax at hoe.

n New Year's Eve,it is oon to have a ba dinner with faily ebers or friends at hoe or in hotels and hear bells whih infors us of the oin New Year.n New Year's Day,people fiest reet eah other. Soe people wear new oats and visit teples to pray for happiness and health theouhout the New Year.hildren are busy with ettin the ifts fro their parents and relatives.


At the first day of New Year, I was so exited that I ot up very early in the ornin. But other was earlier than e, and she had otten the breakfast ready. Duplins, that's y favourite. After the wonderful breakfast, I left hoe with y parents to visit our relatives.

n the way, I said "Happy New Year" to everyone that I et and they all said that bak to e. Everyone is happy and friendly. In y relatives' house, they prepared any sweets and snaks for visitors. They are all very deliious. The ore exitin thin was that I ot soe oney fro y relatives. I had a fine day in y relatives' faily.

y first day of New Year was very happy. It was a ood start, and I would try y best to ake this happiness last for the whole year.


Yesterday y other asked e a question, whih akes e a Joji onk - srathin their heads. She asked what I want New Year‘s Day ift, I said: I want to eat a lot of ood food. o heard shook his head and says: I did not that neessary, you hane one. I Yanhuyihuan, said: I want to o out Play. y other said: I do not have tie, and so have tie to talk. Then I also entioned several wishes, other did not aree. Toss this one niht, thouht of oin to shool the next day but also had to stop there either. So I harbored an uneasy feelin to sleep.

Today, ath teaher took a ard into the lassroo, I think: Who is it? Who will do it ood luk ard before? Read to the teaher suddenly pondered: Baby han Qi won to your reetin ards. I was very surprised, I thouht of lassates were just not thouht of hiself, I harbored doubts take over the ard arefully and reebered feelins above the words Happy Baby han Qi hildren a happy festival! in the new year to study proress.

Your father, other. Althouh only a short sentene I read a lon tie, when I really feel blessed, there is suh love y o and dad, and I‘ proud to have suh parents. What I would like to preious a ift than this do? Here, I sinerely thank y parents, thank the for sendin e suh a siple and valuable ift.


hinese new year, pronouned in hinese as "xin nian", always falls on the date of arkin the beinnin of the sprin and thus it is also alled the "sprin festival". "xin" eans "new" and "nian" eans "year". there are any stories told about the oriin of "nian", whih atually is a nae of anials.

the old story says that the beast "nian" with a very bi outh was so fiere and ould swallow any people in one sinle bite. people were very sared. an old an offered to subdue "nian" and said to "nian": "i hear that you are very apable, but an you swallow the other beasts instead of people who are by no eans of your worthy opponents?" so "nian" swallowed any of the other beasts that hurt people and their doesti anials.

the old an turned out to be an iortal od and ridin the beast "nian" flied to the heaven. now that "nian" is one and other beasts were also sared into forests, people bean to enjoy their peaeful life. before the old an left, he had told people to put up red paper deorations on their windows and doors at eah year's end to sare away "nian" in ase it sneaked bak aain, beause red is the olor the beast feared the ost.

fro there on, the ter "uo nian" has the eanin of "pass-over" or "survive" the "nian". by tradition, hinese businesses had to pay off all debts by the year-end and thus if they ould et it over, it is worth for the elebration of the new year.

today people still put up red paper and firin firerakers as way of elebration. "uo nian" beoes a tradition of elebration for thousand of years.


Setion II on Friday afternoon lass, lon-awaited New Year‘s party offiially started!

lass did not use the olor bars and other deorative bells and whistles too, but posted in eah window of the bars and I think these little deorated than the other lasses Rounds. The reshedulin of the lass seats are also a bit in the iddle leavin a lot of neutral ear, ive the students perforanes. Beause I ae relatively late, sittin in the last.

New Year‘s Day party started, and Nin-Lin and hou henyan oe for a very borin speeh. Finally, the first on the prora bean. Proras are ore, I an not desribe eah of the followin I will hihliht a nuber of iven e a deep ipression on the prora bar.

hou henyan walked lassroo enter, said with a sile: Here, there are requests I henron, Hu Yi-don, Wan BenBen, DN Bin-sin for our speeh that we are very failiar pop sons - Punent . Thunderous applause, students They are exited, and soe even knok on the table when the dru. They are four you push e, I pull you will oe up. Four lined type, a an san a has beun. Days, they are too tiid, and even dare to sin Jay hou‘s son, not to ention lasses and Wan Jia Lao teahers are at the sene, how they dare to sin? ! Hu Yi-don ade a start un, he did not sin loud noise, but the first one to eat rab people need ourae; the seond is kin Ben Ben, he haned the past of the fiere, turned into a very applauded. Beause they have the head, bak, and an Wu hin-hui braenly san on Jolin Tsai‘s Thirty-Six Strataes of love.

There is also a prora is perforin skethes on ontinent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she iis the voie of an old township , really, as it is the opposite! Her perforane won the rounds of applause and lauhter, I really worthy of a feale oedy kin!

Tie off really fast, turned away for New Year‘s Day party is over. I‘ sorry, but a lad to priary and seondary shool ae the last New Year‘s Day party is the ost sinifiant.






























