







Lyin at the enter of Beijin, the Forbidden ity, alled u on, in hinese, was the iperial palae durin the in and Qin dynasties. Now known as the Palae useu, it is to the north of Tiananen Square. Retanular in shape, it is the world's larest palae oplex and overs 74 hetares. Surrounded by a six eter deep oat and a ten eter hih wall are 9,999 buildins. The wall has a ate on eah side. pposite the Tiananen ate, to the north is the ate of Devine iht (Shenwuen), whih faes Jinshan Park. The distane between these two ates is 960 eters, while the distane between the ates in the east and west walls is 70 eters. There are unique and deliately strutured towers on eah of the four orners of the urtain wall. These afford views over both the palae and the ity outside. The Forbidden ity is divided into two parts. The southern setion, or the uter ourt was where the eperor exerised his supree power over the nation. The northern setion, or the Inner ourt was where he lived with his royal faily. Until 1924 when the last eperor of hina was driven fro the Inner ourt, fourteen eperors of the in dynasty and ten eperors of the Qin dynasty had reined here. Havin been the iperial palae for soe five enturies, it houses nuerous rare treasures and uriosities. Listed by UNES as a World ultural Heritae Site in 197, the Palae useu is now one of the ost popular tourist attrations world wide.

onstrution of the palae oplex bean in 1407, the th year of the Yonle rein of the third eperor of the in dynasty. It was opleted fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a illion workers inludin one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the lon-ter hard labor. Stone needed was quarried fro Fanshan, a suburb of Beijin. It was said a well was du every fifty eters alon the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide hue stones on ie into the ity. Hue aounts of tiber and other aterials were freihted fro faraway provines. Anient hinese people displayed their very onsiderable skills in buildin the Forbidden ity. Take the rand red ity wall for exaple. It has an .6 eters wide base reduin to 6.66 eters wide at the top. The anular shape of the wall totally frustrates attepts to lib it. The briks were ade fro white lie and lutinous rie while the eent is ade fro lutinous rie and e whites. These inredible aterials ake the wall extraordinarily stron.

Sine yellow is the sybol of the royal faily, it is the doinant olor in the Forbidden ity. Roofs are built with yellow laed tiles; deorations in the palae are painted yellow; even the briks on the round are ade yellow by a speial proess. However, there is one exeption. Wenyuane, the royal library, has a blak roof. The reason is that it was believed blak represented water then and ould extinuish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden ity, or the Palae useu is open to tourists fro hoe and abroad. Splendid painted deoration on these royal arhitetural wonders, the rand and deluxe halls, with their surprisinly anifient treasures will ertainly satisfy "odern ivilians".


This winter holiday I have been to BeiJin for a travel. it was a reat journey! we have went to see the Iperial Palae and the reat wall and the let e feel that I was proud to be a hinese.

The Iperial Palae noted the history. there were any antiques whih we ould espy the reat ulture.

Fro the reat wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is ade of bi stones whih was too heavy to brin even uesin it to buil a onstrution of ruediation. what a reat randeur!


It was fine for travelin last Sunday . I showed Ann round the useu . she was surprised to see any old thins , and she was interested in the Kin’s hat . She wanted to buy one. I told her it wasn ’t real . Ann kept askin e soe other thines.

When she saw a thin with three les and a strane top , she stopped to point at in and asked e , “ What is that ? ” “ It is a up . ” I told her.

We had a ood tie in the useu.


























故宫 小学六年级英语作文


英语作文:参观故宫 Visiting the Museum


