In odern soiety, there is an eternal topi, that is, opetition and ooperation. A person an not live independently in the soiety, and the opetition and ooperation between people is the drivin fore for our soial survival and developent. The trees are lon and short, the water is lear and turbid, the people are busy in the world, they are inseparable fro opetition and ooperation.
The so-alled opetition is the behavior of two or ore individuals or roups that win over eah other in an ativity, that is, both parties fiht for a oal, and only one party an win, while ooperation is the behavior of two or ore individuals or roups. In order to ahieve the oon oal of joint ooperation in an ativity, both parties have the sae purpose, and both parties share the results.
For the opetition, you will not be unfailiar. Without the opetition of the id-ter exaination, we will not stand here. However, without ooperation, the "North South dialoue" and "South South ooperation" will beoe epty talk. Without ooperation, the establishent of the international spae station will beoe a bubble. Without ooperation, we will still live in the shadow of "SARS" today Bird flu is a proble.
But opetition and ooperation are not opposites. Soe students have separated the too uh. Soe only talk about opetition but not ooperation. When other people ask hi questions, they don't turn bak a sentene of "don't know". They think that to solve other people's probles is to ultivate an opponent for theselves, whih is not ood for their own opetition. Suh people are selfish and will be eliinated by the soiety. Soe people think that opetition is unneessary and pay attention to ooperation unilaterally, whih leads to a iserable state of oplaeny and lak of initiative When he was still dreain in his ofort one, the world had forotten it. Therefore, the above two ethods are not orret. We should put opetition and ooperation in the sae iportant position, so that they an ake the best use of everythin, and use thins for theselves, so that they an reah a hiher level.
If life is opared to a play, then opetition is a pair of ritial eyes under the stae, and ooperation is a friend who perfors with you. Students, let's treat the opetition and ooperation orretly and ake the ost beautiful flowers.
Today, with the rapid developent of hina, earth shakin hanes have taken plae. Should this hane arouse our deep thouht? Lookin bak, why is our ountry so bakward? Is it not opetin with other ountries? No, I want to say no firly. It is beause hina used to be a losed door ountry and not ooperate with other ountries. At present, hina has ipleented a ood poliy of openin up to the outside world, with rapid developent of the ountry and ood developent of other ountries, so it sees that opetition and ooperation an win-win.
The developent and opetition between ountries are essential. nly with opetition an we ontinuously proote national developent, develop new produts, and ake the ountry prosperous and the people rih. Today's developent of hina is inseparable fro the opetition with other ountries, not only the national opetition, but also the doesti tehnoloy, food, lare-sale industries, et. But at the sae tie of opetition, businessen fro all ountries are ooperatin losely to ake both sides benefit and develop toether. Sine hina's openin to the outside world, its eonoy has been developin, its oprehensive national strenth has been iprovin, and people's livin standards have been risin. Fro this point of view, only opetition and ooperation depend on eah other to ahieve a win-win situation.
hina is an anient iviliation with a lon history, and its eonoy reahed its peak in the Tan Dynasty. But later it beae so bakward beause we only foused on the opetition with other ountries and losed the door. I think that only by yself an we ahieve the rapid developent of our ountry until today's situation. It sees that fousin on opetition will only lead to the deline of the ountry.
As the sayin oes, "one fene, three stakes, one hero and three ans," it eans that people should help eah other. In our study and life, if you often help others, teah all you know to others, and do not opete with others, it will only ake you lose otivation, stop, lose interest in learnin, and only stay in the knowlede you oriinally knew. So if you want to not only et ood results fro others, you have to et ood results. It's not hard to see that only opetition and ooperation depend on eah other to ahieve win-win.
To su up, it an be seen that opetition annot exist alone, and ooperation annot onopolie the olden branh. nly opetition and ooperation depend on eah other an win-win, and win-win an be ahieved only by losely relyin on opetition and ooperation.
In the vast soial world, all kinds of intense opetition are oin on everywhere and all the tie. They are not for people to wath, but to proote the indispensable power of soial developent. If in the opetition, in order to ahieve personal oals and har others by any eans, it is a reat violation of the sinifiane of the existene of opetition. opetition is based on the priniple of oon iproveent. Therefore, we should unite and help eah other to proote opetition throuh ood ooperation, not only to ahieve our own oals, but also to ontribute ore to soiety.
ooperation, a failiar word, is understood by different people. "ooperation is the foration of a new substane fro several substanes under ertain onditions," said the sientists The ditionary explains: "ooperation is for a oon purpose, to ooperate with eah other in doin soethin or aoplishin soethin toether."
Throuhout the aes and at hoe and abroad, are not all suessful people ood at ooperation? Takin the oputer industry as an exaple, the vast ajority of ood software is the result of olletive reation, and there are often ore than one ajor developer who akes reation and ontribution, so it is diffiult to ake reat ahieveents alone. Therefore, in today's developent of siene and tehnoloy, sientists who are ood at ooperation have a reater hane of ahievin reat ahieveents. There is an exaple: a youn an with outstandin ability, quik and reliable work, honest and sinere, never proud, areless of olleaues, and haronious relationship with partners. Later, he went to a opany to develop software. When he found that there was a istake in the prora opiled by his subordinates, he pointed it out in a eupheisti way, and the subordinates also orreted the istake. When disussin software prodution, olleaues expressed their own opinions, and he also hose the best one, whih ade the software have a ertain position in the arket soon. This event also ebodies the onnotation of ooperation: not only their own brilliant, but also to enable people better than hi to ive full play to their talents.
When it oes to ooperation to reate a win-win situation, we have to tell a little story: there are two hunry people who eet a fisheran. The fisheran ives one person a fish and the other ets a fishin rod. But one day later, the people who had fish ate up the fish, and finally died of huner; the other was too hunry to o fishin, and died of huner. In fat, they an ooperate and enjoy fish toether. o fishin aain
To be a ood ooperator an iprove one's quality in the opetition. I hope everyone an ooperate with our lassates and build our lass into a dynai and win-win olletive!