Despite the ultural onflits between the rient and the ident, there do exist soe adirable inredients in the Western ulture.
First and foreost, the equality between parents and hildren. The parents are not always superior to their hildren, and the hildren do not always need to obey their parents ‘order, that is, they are ore like lose friends.
Seond, the independent personality. Western people have a stron sense of supportin theselves and bein independent. They bein earnin their poket oney early in their life, even as kids.
Last, Western people do not always assess a person aordin to his bakround. If only he an ahieve suess throuh personal strule, he an win status. Its a talent-oriented soiety, not bakround-oriented.
Roan olosseu 意大利罗马大斗兽场
The olosseu or Flavian Aphitheater was beun by Vespasian, inauurated by Titus in 0 A.D. and opleted by Doitian. Loated on arshy land between the Esquiline and aelian Hills, it was the first peranent aphitheater to be built in Roe. Its onuental sie and randeur as well as its pratial and effiient oraniation for produin spetales and ontrollin the lare rowds ake it one of the reat arhitetural onuents ahieved by the anient Roans.
The aphitheater is a vast ellipse with tiers of seatin for 0,000 spetators around a entral elliptial arena. Below the wooden arena floor, there was a oplex set of roos and passaeways for wild beasts and other provisions for stain the spetales. Eihty walls radiate fro the arena and support vaults for passaeways, stairways and the tiers of seats. At the outer ede iruferential arades link eah level and the stairways between levels.
The three tiers of arades are faed by three-quarter oluns and entablatures, Dori in the first story, Ioni in the seond, and orinthian in the third. Above the is an atti story with orinthian pilasters and sall square window openins in alternate bays. At the top brakets and sokets arry the asts fro whih the velariu, a anopy for shade, was suspended.
The onstrution utilied a areful obination of types: onrete for the foundations, travertine for the piers and arades, tufa infill between piers for the walls of the lower two levels, and brik-faed onrete used for the upper levels and for ost of the vaults.
The olosseu was desined to hold 0,000 spetators, and it had approxiately eihty entranes so rowds ould arrive and leave easily and quikly.
The plan is a vast ellipse, easurin externally 1 x 16 (61 ft x 10 ft), with the base of the buildin overin about 6 ares. Vaults span between eihty radial walls to support tiers of seatin and for passaeways and stairs.
The faade of three tiers of arhes and an atti story is about 4. (1 ft) tall — rouhly equivalent to a 12-1 story buildin.
欧洲的全称是欧罗巴洲,英文为Europe。关于欧洲这个名称的由来,有一些传说。在希腊神话中,小编收集了关于欧洲的纪行作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:欧洲开心游之瑞士琉森最富有的国家——瑞士最精致的军刀——瑞士军刀最...
...班牙的马罗基角,最西端是葡萄牙的罗卡角。小编收集了关于欧洲的作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:欧洲之行你见过欧洲那锦绣的乡村么:那绿油油的草地、那家家户户阳台上一簇簇艳丽的鲜花,还有那悠闲漫步的小动物们。那是...