Althouh I have not been to the west before, I a not too strane to the ities here, espeially soe faous plaes of interest in the world, I have seen any ties throuh the edia. The son of a farer who really is a straner to e is the ountry of Europe. It was a park without walls and no arin. Aside fro the woods and the asphalt road, it is a reen rop field. The plains, the rollin hills, are overed with reen arpets. Lare trats of rops row the sae, and the rows of furrows in the fields look as straiht as the lines of a oputer, and the whole field is so neat that it sees to be shaped by heavenly work.
Alon the way, we've seen lare swaths of pasture, reen slopes down to the pool, and sheep sattered on the rass. Fro afar, the louds in the sky rolled like sheep in the blue sky, and the sheep of the earth swa like swans on the reen lake. A thousand iles away, hardly any bare land, even a piee of lay. There was no wind, no sand, and only the quiet and reen earth that we ould see on the Tibetan plateau.
Under the sky, the beautiful pastoral extends to the horion, then ive you the enjoyent of nature, will ake you lon out of the window, espeially a few onShuLin appears on the reen field, will iediately let you walk into the European art aster's faous paintins.
The field of Europe is the artist's asterpiee. At this oent we are walkin throuh an endless sroll. The asphalt paved the road, and the white arkins on the dark rey roads seeed to have never defiled the uddy water of the wheels, refletin the dalin white liht in the briht sunliht. Already urbanied Europe, the rural population is very few, so rarely see the villae. The oasional villae, the red, pointed villae, is reinisent of the olorful illustrations of western hildren's books. Perhaps it was the season of farin that we ae to, so far, that no one was workin in the fields. The ariultural population here is very sall, and all of it is ehanied, whih is oneivable, but we don't know exatly how to far the land. The translator told e that when the farers here had to plow or harvest, they would o to the ariultural ahinery opany to rent equipent, and toether with the operators, they would not have to do it theselves. Therefore, the European villaes we see are also very onise.
The weather is pleasant, the rain is abundant, the sunshine is lon, and the sun is briht. Every leaf, every flower and plant, is washed by frequent rain water lean, reen and reen. oreover, their rops ay have autoati sprinkler systes, without the risk of drouht. odern siene does not pray to "ood", ore won't appear artifiially for farers, land aused by disasters, of ourse there is no exuse to seek after drouht disaster, will sin on od's proble.
Europe's wilderness is a natural world, and it is a anifient and anifient art plate. Every inh of the land has been arefully arraned, easured and ropped by huan beins, and every inh of land has been fully utilied. When people have ade proper arraneents for nature, they iediately return to their position, so they are nowhere to be found.
In the sprin, I visited the lake of stone, whih is loated on the 6th kiloeter of henya hihway, and hus Europe's sprin oposition. Naed after the illenniu teple of stone elephant, leend has it that the shu state of shu in The Three Kindos period. Here the ountain qinshuo show, the air is fresh, is known as "the reen resort, natural oxyen"! Its exellent natural eoloy and the annual tureri setion, just like before the European sprin, attrat ountless tourists for sihtseein, sixth rade oposition oposition, ebrain the European sprin. The flowers sell, the birds sin, the sprin is drunk! In arh, the tulips of the stone lake are in full bloo! The flowers are olorful, the yellow flowers are eleant, the white flowers are hih, the pink flowers are intoxiatin, the purple flowers are war and deep... The flowers that are in bud are like wine lasses. They are lovely. Soe show shy siles and others whisper in the breee. The bees are busy in the flowers, and the butterflies dane on the top of the rass. The birds in the forest san sons, whih ade people think of the lines of "the butterfly lovers dane and the son of the warbler". The water of the lake is as sooth as a irror and reen as jade. In the lear water, there are fish and fish in the water. There are a lot of wild duks danin on the water. The ountains of the lake are reen and reen, and the reen soft branhes have haned into olden autun lothes, sinin with the autun wind and danin with the autun rain. The sea, the world of water, will ake you feel refreshed and joyful. Friends, would you like to ebrae Europe's sprin in this "natural oxyen bar"? Pu jian shi elephant lake eoloial park open ars, weloe your arrival!
Leavin Frane and enterin erany, the trip arraned for the south tin town of southern Frane to stay overniht and set off the next day to redue the fatiue of lon-distane bus rides.
It was eiht o 'lok when I heked into the south tin hotel, but it was still briht. Instead of stayin at a hotel, o out. The tour uide deided to take the willin roup to the south sistanislas square, not far fro here, and buy soe fruit to eat.
Less than 200 eters away, he saw a sall ar DE triophe, the door, an see Nany the ain road, not shops is the hotel, but now ost of the shops are losed, only offee shop, restaurant is busy.
ae to a sall square, and found that there is a sulpture, entral eperor he is Poland, Lithuania, his dauhter arried to the Frenh kin Louis xv when the queen, so he was the father-in-law of Louis xv, the duke of stark loh.
Look aside, there's also a triuphal arh! It's less than three kiloeters away and there are two triuphal doors! In the fae of it, the left hand side is the opera house, the south tin people often oe here for rereation, next to the restaurant, the ost lively is there, the forer is the queen's palae. Behind was a hotel, forerly the ansion of the loal Dukes. It's the overnent that's riht at the ar DE triophe. It used to be a uard tower, so it's a little bit shorter.
There was a sall side door, where the sulpture of the desiner was opleted in 179. The square was re-reulated in 199, and it only beae so in 200. The buildin next to the wall was previously unbuilt, and the round floor of the square was new. Suh a sall town, unexpetedly has suh a beautiful square!
The sky rew blak, and alost all the shops losed. What a beautiful niht!
Next stop, the eran blak forest of didi lake...
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